On Analog Writing …

Joe Buhlig posted a thought provoking piece on how he’s switched to writing out anything significant using longhand. Not only does he explain his own experience, he also cites to some compelling research about how our brains behave differently when we’re writing with a pen and paper (or presumably Apple Pencil and iPad Pro) than with a keyboard.

I’ve heard this from many readers and listeners over the years but I don’t see myself ever doing any significant amount of analog writing. Part of it is because my hand writing is so terrible. (Don’t believe me? Watch this.) The biggest hangup for me though is that it is simply too slow. With the sheer number of words I want to get out of my head, the idea of slowing down to write longhand would make me crazy. I’ve known this in my bones for a long time, which is why I’m much more likely to tip over into dictation than get hung up on fancy artisanal notebooks.