I read once that when Cortez landed in the new world, the first thing he did was burn his ships so his men didn’t get any strange ideas about going back. For all of you Quicksilver geeks (like me), one of the guys over at waferbaby just burned his ships by removing Finder.app from his Mac and mapping the finder icon to our beloved Quicksilver. Now while this act inspires no end of geek awe in me, I can’t see myself actually doing this. I always believe in using what works best and fastest. Sometimes that is the often maligned finder. Especially when I need to browse for something that I can’t remember the name for. Anyway, if you are ready to make the leap, you can get instruction on how to do so right here.
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MacSparky, quicksilver
I just can’t do that. On my Mac Pro, Quicksilver has an annoying habit of freezing and I have to force quit QS and restart it. Until and unless that problem is fixed in a quicksilver update, there’s no way I could consider making this move.
Based on pure functionality, though, yeah, who’s to argue?
I just can’t do that. On my Mac Pro, Quicksilver has an annoying habit of freezing and I have to force quit QS and restart it. Until and unless that problem is fixed in a quicksilver update, there’s no way I could consider making this move.
Based on pure functionality, though, yeah, who’s to argue?
I just can’t do that. On my Mac Pro, Quicksilver has an annoying habit of freezing and I have to force quit QS and restart it. Until and unless that problem is fixed in a quicksilver update, there’s no way I could consider making this move.
Based on pure functionality, though, yeah, who’s to argue?
I just can’t do that. On my Mac Pro, Quicksilver has an annoying habit of freezing and I have to force quit QS and restart it. Until and unless that problem is fixed in a quicksilver update, there’s no way I could consider making this move.
Based on pure functionality, though, yeah, who’s to argue?
I just can’t do that. On my Mac Pro, Quicksilver has an annoying habit of freezing and I have to force quit QS and restart it. Until and unless that problem is fixed in a quicksilver update, there’s no way I could consider making this move.
Based on pure functionality, though, yeah, who’s to argue?
this is quite tempting, but i’m going to pass for now. Maybe tomorrow
this is quite tempting, but i’m going to pass for now. Maybe tomorrow
this is quite tempting, but i’m going to pass for now. Maybe tomorrow
this is quite tempting, but i’m going to pass for now. Maybe tomorrow
this is quite tempting, but i’m going to pass for now. Maybe tomorrow