Apple has this funny habit of adding useful features and not publishing it or telling anyone about it. Here is one that may not be all that useful but definitely fun.
option + shift + k
Go ahead. Try it. Did it make you smile?
Apple has this funny habit of adding useful features and not publishing it or telling anyone about it. Here is one that may not be all that useful but definitely fun.
option + shift + k
Go ahead. Try it. Did it make you smile?
Ahhhh…. didn’t work at first ‘cos I want entering text, but now when I try to enter text I find I can say is great! This is cool!
Ahhhh…. didn’t work at first ‘cos I want entering text, but now when I try to enter text I find I can say is great! This is cool!
Ahhhh…. didn’t work at first ‘cos I want entering text, but now when I try to enter text I find I can say is great! This is cool!
Ahhhh…. didn’t work at first ‘cos I want entering text, but now when I try to enter text I find I can say is great! This is cool!
Ahhhh…. didn’t work at first ‘cos I want entering text, but now when I try to enter text I find I can say is great! This is cool!
great tip 😉
great tip 😉
great tip 😉
great tip 😉
great tip 😉
It’s alt + $ on my MacBook Pro –
It’s alt + $ on my MacBook Pro –
It’s alt + $ on my MacBook Pro –
It’s alt + $ on my MacBook Pro –
It’s alt + $ on my MacBook Pro –
ˆ does not work
ˆ does not work
ˆ does not work
ˆ does not work
ˆ does not work
alt + a on my macbook pro
alt + a on my macbook pro
alt + a on my macbook pro
alt + a on my macbook pro
alt + a on my macbook pro
i have new macbookpro it doesnt work here but i found out:
alt shift +
i have new macbookpro it doesnt work here but i found out:
alt shift +
i have new macbookpro it doesnt work here but i found out:
alt shift +
i have new macbookpro it doesnt work here but i found out:
alt shift +
i have new macbookpro it doesnt work here but i found out:
alt shift +
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God I love Apple!
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God I love Apple!
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God I love Apple!
... ..….………..
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God I love Apple!
... ..….………..
…… ….. …....………..
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…… ………………...
God I love Apple!
Try changing your font to Helvetica and then trying shift + option + k does the trick
Try changing your font to Helvetica and then trying shift + option + k does the trick
Try changing your font to Helvetica and then trying shift + option + k does the trick
Try changing your font to Helvetica and then trying shift + option + k does the trick
Try changing your font to Helvetica and then trying shift + option + k does the trick
worked with option & Shift & +
You know, that IS cool, but on a Windows computer, it just looks like little boxes. I mean, it is supposed to be an Apple logo, right? Just saying. By the way, my next computer will be an iMac, so don't go bugging me about my OS.
You know, that IS cool, but on a Windows computer, it just looks like little boxes. I mean, it is supposed to be an Apple logo, right? Just saying. By the way, my next computer will be an iMac, so don't go bugging me about my OS.
You know, that IS cool, but on a Windows computer, it just looks like little boxes. I mean, it is supposed to be an Apple logo, right? Just saying. By the way, my next computer will be an iMac, so don't go bugging me about my OS.
You know, that IS cool, but on a Windows computer, it just looks like little boxes. I mean, it is supposed to be an Apple logo, right? Just saying. By the way, my next computer will be an iMac, so don't go bugging me about my OS.
You know, that IS cool, but on a Windows computer, it just looks like little boxes. I mean, it is supposed to be an Apple logo, right? Just saying. By the way, my next computer will be an iMac, so don't go bugging me about my OS.