One of my favorite Mac applications, Default Folder X, got a new release this week. In addition to the usual bug fixes there are several new features including the following:
* Added an option to display the toolbar as a gray sidebar for those users that don’t like the HUD look.
* The preview generator has been rewritten, greatly improving performance and reliability, especially on Mac OS 10.4. Previews are also now created for many types of text files that weren’t supported before on Leopard, and text, html, and rtf files now have previews under Tiger.
* Copy and Paste now work in Default Folder X’s Spotlight keyword windows.
* Provided an option to turn off graphical UI effects like windows fading in and out, animated window resizing, and menus swooshing around.
* If you drag the preview window smaller, it will stay that size when another preview is displayed. To return the behavior to the default “automatic resizing” mode, resize the preview window so its lower edge is at the bottom of your screen.
I’m a big fan of Default Folder X. I reviewed it here and did a somewhat dated screencast on it here.