Okay … I’ve had it. It is driving me nuts that it is so easy for everyone to make presentations in Keynote. It just isn’t right that I can run a home movie production house, photography lab, and music studio off one laptop. I’ve thought long and hard about it and decided the only answer is regression. I’m switching to Dell.
Oh .. and by the way … Happy April Fool’s Day.
Damn Dave until the end I was with you with all the issues Apple are creating at the moment I thought I’d go Dell as well. Does that rhyme?
Damn Dave until the end I was with you with all the issues Apple are creating at the moment I thought I’d go Dell as well. Does that rhyme?
Damn Dave until the end I was with you with all the issues Apple are creating at the moment I thought I’d go Dell as well. Does that rhyme?
Damn Dave until the end I was with you with all the issues Apple are creating at the moment I thought I’d go Dell as well. Does that rhyme?
Damn Dave until the end I was with you with all the issues Apple are creating at the moment I thought I’d go Dell as well. Does that rhyme?
This was one of those posts that seemed like a good idea but when it came down to it (despite my alleged advocacy skills), I just couldn’t make an argument for switching back with a straight face. I even read some Dvorak for inspiration but, alas, my fingers would not cooperate so the joke became rather short.
This was one of those posts that seemed like a good idea but when it came down to it (despite my alleged advocacy skills), I just couldn’t make an argument for switching back with a straight face. I even read some Dvorak for inspiration but, alas, my fingers would not cooperate so the joke became rather short.
This was one of those posts that seemed like a good idea but when it came down to it (despite my alleged advocacy skills), I just couldn’t make an argument for switching back with a straight face. I even read some Dvorak for inspiration but, alas, my fingers would not cooperate so the joke became rather short.
This was one of those posts that seemed like a good idea but when it came down to it (despite my alleged advocacy skills), I just couldn’t make an argument for switching back with a straight face. I even read some Dvorak for inspiration but, alas, my fingers would not cooperate so the joke became rather short.
This was one of those posts that seemed like a good idea but when it came down to it (despite my alleged advocacy skills), I just couldn’t make an argument for switching back with a straight face. I even read some Dvorak for inspiration but, alas, my fingers would not cooperate so the joke became rather short.
I still enjoyed it. š
I still enjoyed it. š
I still enjoyed it. š
I still enjoyed it. š
I still enjoyed it. š