Recently, I’ve been getting a lot of email questions about some of my productivity hacks. It has inspired me to try and step things up with the screencasts. I’m now tooling up to release a series of productivity themed screencasts. The first two installments will be:
1. Email
All things email – IMAP vs. POP, dealing with Spam, archiving, best practices, plug-ins, and my filing system.
2. OmniFocus
My particular OmniFocus tips, tricks, and tweaks.
I’ve got a few other ideas but the above two are going to keep me busy for some time. Let me know if there is anything in particular you would like covered in the above two shows or if you have any other ideas for screencasts. I’m looking forward to putting these together.
I look forward to seeing your screencasts, particularly the OmniFocus ones. I enjoy using OF, but don’t feel like I’m really maximising my use as of yet.
As for email, my Gmail IMAP + Mail.app with redirected domains is creaky, but seems to be working!
I look forward to seeing your screencasts, particularly the OmniFocus ones. I enjoy using OF, but don’t feel like I’m really maximising my use as of yet.
As for email, my Gmail IMAP + Mail.app with redirected domains is creaky, but seems to be working!
I look forward to seeing your screencasts, particularly the OmniFocus ones. I enjoy using OF, but don’t feel like I’m really maximising my use as of yet.
As for email, my Gmail IMAP + Mail.app with redirected domains is creaky, but seems to be working!
I look forward to seeing your screencasts, particularly the OmniFocus ones. I enjoy using OF, but don’t feel like I’m really maximising my use as of yet.
As for email, my Gmail IMAP + Mail.app with redirected domains is creaky, but seems to be working!
I look forward to seeing your screencasts, particularly the OmniFocus ones. I enjoy using OF, but don’t feel like I’m really maximising my use as of yet.
As for email, my Gmail IMAP + Mail.app with redirected domains is creaky, but seems to be working!
I would really appreciate an OF-Screencast. Maybe you should wait until the iPhone-Version appears and give some best-practices using the iPhone aswell?
I would really appreciate an OF-Screencast. Maybe you should wait until the iPhone-Version appears and give some best-practices using the iPhone aswell?
I would really appreciate an OF-Screencast. Maybe you should wait until the iPhone-Version appears and give some best-practices using the iPhone aswell?
I would really appreciate an OF-Screencast. Maybe you should wait until the iPhone-Version appears and give some best-practices using the iPhone aswell?
I would really appreciate an OF-Screencast. Maybe you should wait until the iPhone-Version appears and give some best-practices using the iPhone aswell?
I agree that I would really appreciate an OF-screencast but I suspect there would be more than enough material for David to produce one with his insights on the Mac version AND another one on the iPhone-Version. I don’t know about the rest of you but I am more eager for .me cloud synching and to get my hands on some cool apps from the app store than I am for a 3G iPhone, not that I won’t eventually be getting one of those as well.
I agree that I would really appreciate an OF-screencast but I suspect there would be more than enough material for David to produce one with his insights on the Mac version AND another one on the iPhone-Version. I don’t know about the rest of you but I am more eager for .me cloud synching and to get my hands on some cool apps from the app store than I am for a 3G iPhone, not that I won’t eventually be getting one of those as well.
I agree that I would really appreciate an OF-screencast but I suspect there would be more than enough material for David to produce one with his insights on the Mac version AND another one on the iPhone-Version. I don’t know about the rest of you but I am more eager for .me cloud synching and to get my hands on some cool apps from the app store than I am for a 3G iPhone, not that I won’t eventually be getting one of those as well.
I agree that I would really appreciate an OF-screencast but I suspect there would be more than enough material for David to produce one with his insights on the Mac version AND another one on the iPhone-Version. I don’t know about the rest of you but I am more eager for .me cloud synching and to get my hands on some cool apps from the app store than I am for a 3G iPhone, not that I won’t eventually be getting one of those as well.
I agree that I would really appreciate an OF-screencast but I suspect there would be more than enough material for David to produce one with his insights on the Mac version AND another one on the iPhone-Version. I don’t know about the rest of you but I am more eager for .me cloud synching and to get my hands on some cool apps from the app store than I am for a 3G iPhone, not that I won’t eventually be getting one of those as well.
Bring ’em on! Looking forward to learning more about Omnifocus – mostly to see if I’m ready to make the switch to it.
Bring ’em on! Looking forward to learning more about Omnifocus – mostly to see if I’m ready to make the switch to it.
Bring ’em on! Looking forward to learning more about Omnifocus – mostly to see if I’m ready to make the switch to it.
Bring ’em on! Looking forward to learning more about Omnifocus – mostly to see if I’m ready to make the switch to it.
Bring ’em on! Looking forward to learning more about Omnifocus – mostly to see if I’m ready to make the switch to it.