Unable to drop my infatuation with the Omni Group, I started a thread months ago in the Omni Forums pleading my case for OmniOutliner on my iPhone. While the Omni gang has been mum on this point, the thread has slowly grown with additional apostles. The most recent advocate, random1destiny, gave an excellent tip for viewing current OmniOutliner files on your iPhone.
For everyone else, until the OO iPhone app comes out, a good view-only solution I found is to buy the Files iphone app which lets you upload any type of file. Then export your OO file as HTML(Unordered List) and transfer and view it using Files. This results in a fairly readable copy that you can keep on your iPhone.
Why didn’t I think of that?
It is high time to get OO on the iPhone! I moved to OmniFocus and it is too complex for 99% of the functions I want to perform — clear, collapsible lists. C’mon guys, get with it!
It is high time to get OO on the iPhone! I moved to OmniFocus and it is too complex for 99% of the functions I want to perform — clear, collapsible lists. C’mon guys, get with it!
It is high time to get OO on the iPhone! I moved to OmniFocus and it is too complex for 99% of the functions I want to perform — clear, collapsible lists. C’mon guys, get with it!
It is high time to get OO on the iPhone! I moved to OmniFocus and it is too complex for 99% of the functions I want to perform — clear, collapsible lists. C’mon guys, get with it!
It is high time to get OO on the iPhone! I moved to OmniFocus and it is too complex for 99% of the functions I want to perform — clear, collapsible lists. C’mon guys, get with it!
I just want to toss in a hearty Here Here and add my voice to those who think OO for the iPhone (with Mac sync-ing please!) would really hit a sweet spot. I would live there.
I just want to toss in a hearty Here Here and add my voice to those who think OO for the iPhone (with Mac sync-ing please!) would really hit a sweet spot. I would live there.
I just want to toss in a hearty Here Here and add my voice to those who think OO for the iPhone (with Mac sync-ing please!) would really hit a sweet spot. I would live there.
I just want to toss in a hearty Here Here and add my voice to those who think OO for the iPhone (with Mac sync-ing please!) would really hit a sweet spot. I would live there.
I just want to toss in a hearty Here Here and add my voice to those who think OO for the iPhone (with Mac sync-ing please!) would really hit a sweet spot. I would live there.
Adding my darn skippy here! A .mac aware or preferably webdav aware OO publish function that I could push and pull from both laptop and iphone would would make my year. OO is the only that that has EVER worked to keep my organized.
Adding my darn skippy here! A .mac aware or preferably webdav aware OO publish function that I could push and pull from both laptop and iphone would would make my year. OO is the only that that has EVER worked to keep my organized.
Adding my darn skippy here! A .mac aware or preferably webdav aware OO publish function that I could push and pull from both laptop and iphone would would make my year. OO is the only that that has EVER worked to keep my organized.
Adding my darn skippy here! A .mac aware or preferably webdav aware OO publish function that I could push and pull from both laptop and iphone would would make my year. OO is the only that that has EVER worked to keep my organized.
Adding my darn skippy here! A .mac aware or preferably webdav aware OO publish function that I could push and pull from both laptop and iphone would would make my year. OO is the only that that has EVER worked to keep my organized.
It seems that OmniGroup no longer considers iPhone a legitimate target platform. Word on the street is that the OmniFocus team, once seeing their massive attention to detail and development effort realized on iPhone, concluded one of two things:
1) They had achieved nirvana. There was no point of writing another app. Ever.
2) They could not bear the thought of forging another iPhone app with OO.
3) They feared being the BetaMax to the ever-growing slate of VHS offerings of the hierarchical iPhone list apps out there.
In all cases, the development team members committed suicide.
So, give up, enthusiasts. It’s no use. OmniGroup doesn’t have the talent remaining to produce an elegant, sleek, and lightweight OmniOutliner for iPhone. Do you, OG?
I dare you to prove the growing group of naysayers wrong.
Consider it a “love dare” for the iPhone.
It seems that OmniGroup no longer considers iPhone a legitimate target platform. Word on the street is that the OmniFocus team, once seeing their massive attention to detail and development effort realized on iPhone, concluded one of two things:
1) They had achieved nirvana. There was no point of writing another app. Ever.
2) They could not bear the thought of forging another iPhone app with OO.
3) They feared being the BetaMax to the ever-growing slate of VHS offerings of the hierarchical iPhone list apps out there.
In all cases, the development team members committed suicide.
So, give up, enthusiasts. It’s no use. OmniGroup doesn’t have the talent remaining to produce an elegant, sleek, and lightweight OmniOutliner for iPhone. Do you, OG?
I dare you to prove the growing group of naysayers wrong.
Consider it a “love dare” for the iPhone.
It seems that OmniGroup no longer considers iPhone a legitimate target platform. Word on the street is that the OmniFocus team, once seeing their massive attention to detail and development effort realized on iPhone, concluded one of two things:
1) They had achieved nirvana. There was no point of writing another app. Ever.
2) They could not bear the thought of forging another iPhone app with OO.
3) They feared being the BetaMax to the ever-growing slate of VHS offerings of the hierarchical iPhone list apps out there.
In all cases, the development team members committed suicide.
So, give up, enthusiasts. It’s no use. OmniGroup doesn’t have the talent remaining to produce an elegant, sleek, and lightweight OmniOutliner for iPhone. Do you, OG?
I dare you to prove the growing group of naysayers wrong.
Consider it a “love dare” for the iPhone.
It seems that OmniGroup no longer considers iPhone a legitimate target platform. Word on the street is that the OmniFocus team, once seeing their massive attention to detail and development effort realized on iPhone, concluded one of two things:
1) They had achieved nirvana. There was no point of writing another app. Ever.
2) They could not bear the thought of forging another iPhone app with OO.
3) They feared being the BetaMax to the ever-growing slate of VHS offerings of the hierarchical iPhone list apps out there.
In all cases, the development team members committed suicide.
So, give up, enthusiasts. It’s no use. OmniGroup doesn’t have the talent remaining to produce an elegant, sleek, and lightweight OmniOutliner for iPhone. Do you, OG?
I dare you to prove the growing group of naysayers wrong.
Consider it a “love dare” for the iPhone.
It seems that OmniGroup no longer considers iPhone a legitimate target platform. Word on the street is that the OmniFocus team, once seeing their massive attention to detail and development effort realized on iPhone, concluded one of two things:
1) They had achieved nirvana. There was no point of writing another app. Ever.
2) They could not bear the thought of forging another iPhone app with OO.
3) They feared being the BetaMax to the ever-growing slate of VHS offerings of the hierarchical iPhone list apps out there.
In all cases, the development team members committed suicide.
So, give up, enthusiasts. It’s no use. OmniGroup doesn’t have the talent remaining to produce an elegant, sleek, and lightweight OmniOutliner for iPhone. Do you, OG?
I dare you to prove the growing group of naysayers wrong.
Consider it a “love dare” for the iPhone.
I’m at a crossroads. I have purchased copies of outliner and graffle. I spent a lot of time creating very detailed outlines and for awhile OO has become a very easy and quick method for me to get my work done. I have been waiting for the iphone and what it could bring to my table as far as productivity. But now that I have an iphone and have tweaked it I am continually getting miffed (nay pissed off) that now that my entire life is in omni-outliner I can’t get my life onto my iphone. I’m slaved to my cursed laptop and desktop for all my OO information and lists. It’s like handing someone a golden goose and you can’t get it to lay eggs. Come on folks. Give us something. I’m running out of time and sanity. A new year is starting and it might be the year I have to say good bye to my trusted OO in order to save my sanity and free me from the handcuffs of my computers.
I’m at a crossroads. I have purchased copies of outliner and graffle. I spent a lot of time creating very detailed outlines and for awhile OO has become a very easy and quick method for me to get my work done. I have been waiting for the iphone and what it could bring to my table as far as productivity. But now that I have an iphone and have tweaked it I am continually getting miffed (nay pissed off) that now that my entire life is in omni-outliner I can’t get my life onto my iphone. I’m slaved to my cursed laptop and desktop for all my OO information and lists. It’s like handing someone a golden goose and you can’t get it to lay eggs. Come on folks. Give us something. I’m running out of time and sanity. A new year is starting and it might be the year I have to say good bye to my trusted OO in order to save my sanity and free me from the handcuffs of my computers.
I’m at a crossroads. I have purchased copies of outliner and graffle. I spent a lot of time creating very detailed outlines and for awhile OO has become a very easy and quick method for me to get my work done. I have been waiting for the iphone and what it could bring to my table as far as productivity. But now that I have an iphone and have tweaked it I am continually getting miffed (nay pissed off) that now that my entire life is in omni-outliner I can’t get my life onto my iphone. I’m slaved to my cursed laptop and desktop for all my OO information and lists. It’s like handing someone a golden goose and you can’t get it to lay eggs. Come on folks. Give us something. I’m running out of time and sanity. A new year is starting and it might be the year I have to say good bye to my trusted OO in order to save my sanity and free me from the handcuffs of my computers.
I’m at a crossroads. I have purchased copies of outliner and graffle. I spent a lot of time creating very detailed outlines and for awhile OO has become a very easy and quick method for me to get my work done. I have been waiting for the iphone and what it could bring to my table as far as productivity. But now that I have an iphone and have tweaked it I am continually getting miffed (nay pissed off) that now that my entire life is in omni-outliner I can’t get my life onto my iphone. I’m slaved to my cursed laptop and desktop for all my OO information and lists. It’s like handing someone a golden goose and you can’t get it to lay eggs. Come on folks. Give us something. I’m running out of time and sanity. A new year is starting and it might be the year I have to say good bye to my trusted OO in order to save my sanity and free me from the handcuffs of my computers.
I’m at a crossroads. I have purchased copies of outliner and graffle. I spent a lot of time creating very detailed outlines and for awhile OO has become a very easy and quick method for me to get my work done. I have been waiting for the iphone and what it could bring to my table as far as productivity. But now that I have an iphone and have tweaked it I am continually getting miffed (nay pissed off) that now that my entire life is in omni-outliner I can’t get my life onto my iphone. I’m slaved to my cursed laptop and desktop for all my OO information and lists. It’s like handing someone a golden goose and you can’t get it to lay eggs. Come on folks. Give us something. I’m running out of time and sanity. A new year is starting and it might be the year I have to say good bye to my trusted OO in order to save my sanity and free me from the handcuffs of my computers.
Now that I am making good use of omnifocus, the next step was to learn now to automatically include lists inside of a task. For example, having something with the “errand” context, it would be nice to keep an up-to-date list of items for that particular errand (grocery store, 27 items) in omnioutliner and have it attached to the omnifocus task, and then sync’ed to my iphone so that when I am at the grocery I am able to go down the list and check off the items purchased. So, I logged on today to see about doing this and I find that omnioutliner is not available for iphone? Any timeframe on when it might be ready?
Now that I am making good use of omnifocus, the next step was to learn now to automatically include lists inside of a task. For example, having something with the “errand” context, it would be nice to keep an up-to-date list of items for that particular errand (grocery store, 27 items) in omnioutliner and have it attached to the omnifocus task, and then sync’ed to my iphone so that when I am at the grocery I am able to go down the list and check off the items purchased. So, I logged on today to see about doing this and I find that omnioutliner is not available for iphone? Any timeframe on when it might be ready?
Now that I am making good use of omnifocus, the next step was to learn now to automatically include lists inside of a task. For example, having something with the “errand” context, it would be nice to keep an up-to-date list of items for that particular errand (grocery store, 27 items) in omnioutliner and have it attached to the omnifocus task, and then sync’ed to my iphone so that when I am at the grocery I am able to go down the list and check off the items purchased. So, I logged on today to see about doing this and I find that omnioutliner is not available for iphone? Any timeframe on when it might be ready?
Now that I am making good use of omnifocus, the next step was to learn now to automatically include lists inside of a task. For example, having something with the “errand” context, it would be nice to keep an up-to-date list of items for that particular errand (grocery store, 27 items) in omnioutliner and have it attached to the omnifocus task, and then sync’ed to my iphone so that when I am at the grocery I am able to go down the list and check off the items purchased. So, I logged on today to see about doing this and I find that omnioutliner is not available for iphone? Any timeframe on when it might be ready?
Now that I am making good use of omnifocus, the next step was to learn now to automatically include lists inside of a task. For example, having something with the “errand” context, it would be nice to keep an up-to-date list of items for that particular errand (grocery store, 27 items) in omnioutliner and have it attached to the omnifocus task, and then sync’ed to my iphone so that when I am at the grocery I am able to go down the list and check off the items purchased. So, I logged on today to see about doing this and I find that omnioutliner is not available for iphone? Any timeframe on when it might be ready?
For recurring lists like you discuss. I actually use Zenbe Lists. I keep thinks like packing lists, grocery, and library lists on it and completely out of the OF database. They have a web interface and a super iPhone application.
For recurring lists like you discuss. I actually use Zenbe Lists. I keep thinks like packing lists, grocery, and library lists on it and completely out of the OF database. They have a web interface and a super iPhone application.
For recurring lists like you discuss. I actually use Zenbe Lists. I keep thinks like packing lists, grocery, and library lists on it and completely out of the OF database. They have a web interface and a super iPhone application.
For recurring lists like you discuss. I actually use Zenbe Lists. I keep thinks like packing lists, grocery, and library lists on it and completely out of the OF database. They have a web interface and a super iPhone application.
For recurring lists like you discuss. I actually use Zenbe Lists. I keep thinks like packing lists, grocery, and library lists on it and completely out of the OF database. They have a web interface and a super iPhone application.
Without the ability to take Omni Outliner to the iPhone or Windows I can’t justify why I should continue to use it. OO folks need to get on the ball here…
Without the ability to take Omni Outliner to the iPhone or Windows I can’t justify why I should continue to use it. OO folks need to get on the ball here…
Without the ability to take Omni Outliner to the iPhone or Windows I can’t justify why I should continue to use it. OO folks need to get on the ball here…
Without the ability to take Omni Outliner to the iPhone or Windows I can’t justify why I should continue to use it. OO folks need to get on the ball here…
Without the ability to take Omni Outliner to the iPhone or Windows I can’t justify why I should continue to use it. OO folks need to get on the ball here…
I’m dying to find an outliner that has SYNC-able Mac and iPhone applications.
I’m still using a Palm TX and an old outliner called Brainforest. It has both Mac and Palm apps which sync nicely. This is the ONLY reason I keep my Palm. I’d love to put it in a drawer and forget about it. I managed to figure out a way to convert the old files with OmniOutliner, so that part of the equation is possible.
I’ve tried OmniFocus, which is overly complex (and too expensive) for my needs.
Things, which has some nice features, but just doesn’t cut it.
OmniOutliner for iPhone/iPod touch would be fantastic! Since Omni doesn’t seem interested in producing an iPhone version, what are the alternatives for a sync-able Mac/iPhone Outliner?
I’m dying to find an outliner that has SYNC-able Mac and iPhone applications.
I’m still using a Palm TX and an old outliner called Brainforest. It has both Mac and Palm apps which sync nicely. This is the ONLY reason I keep my Palm. I’d love to put it in a drawer and forget about it. I managed to figure out a way to convert the old files with OmniOutliner, so that part of the equation is possible.
I’ve tried OmniFocus, which is overly complex (and too expensive) for my needs.
Things, which has some nice features, but just doesn’t cut it.
OmniOutliner for iPhone/iPod touch would be fantastic! Since Omni doesn’t seem interested in producing an iPhone version, what are the alternatives for a sync-able Mac/iPhone Outliner?
I’m dying to find an outliner that has SYNC-able Mac and iPhone applications.
I’m still using a Palm TX and an old outliner called Brainforest. It has both Mac and Palm apps which sync nicely. This is the ONLY reason I keep my Palm. I’d love to put it in a drawer and forget about it. I managed to figure out a way to convert the old files with OmniOutliner, so that part of the equation is possible.
I’ve tried OmniFocus, which is overly complex (and too expensive) for my needs.
Things, which has some nice features, but just doesn’t cut it.
OmniOutliner for iPhone/iPod touch would be fantastic! Since Omni doesn’t seem interested in producing an iPhone version, what are the alternatives for a sync-able Mac/iPhone Outliner?
I’m dying to find an outliner that has SYNC-able Mac and iPhone applications.
I’m still using a Palm TX and an old outliner called Brainforest. It has both Mac and Palm apps which sync nicely. This is the ONLY reason I keep my Palm. I’d love to put it in a drawer and forget about it. I managed to figure out a way to convert the old files with OmniOutliner, so that part of the equation is possible.
I’ve tried OmniFocus, which is overly complex (and too expensive) for my needs.
Things, which has some nice features, but just doesn’t cut it.
OmniOutliner for iPhone/iPod touch would be fantastic! Since Omni doesn’t seem interested in producing an iPhone version, what are the alternatives for a sync-able Mac/iPhone Outliner?
I’m dying to find an outliner that has SYNC-able Mac and iPhone applications.
I’m still using a Palm TX and an old outliner called Brainforest. It has both Mac and Palm apps which sync nicely. This is the ONLY reason I keep my Palm. I’d love to put it in a drawer and forget about it. I managed to figure out a way to convert the old files with OmniOutliner, so that part of the equation is possible.
I’ve tried OmniFocus, which is overly complex (and too expensive) for my needs.
Things, which has some nice features, but just doesn’t cut it.
OmniOutliner for iPhone/iPod touch would be fantastic! Since Omni doesn’t seem interested in producing an iPhone version, what are the alternatives for a sync-able Mac/iPhone Outliner?
I would love to have OmniOutliner on the iPhone too. I already use (every day several times!) Omnifocus both on Mac and iPhone. They are great applications (iphone app could be speedier when launched).
But I still would like an outliner for taking notes, organising ideas, etc… and for this, OmniFocus does not work.
I’m ready to pay, of course! There is a market, OmniGroup!
And with your experience with OF/iPhone, doing a second app would be much easier: you could reuse part of the GUI, sync code, etc…
Come on!
I would love to have OmniOutliner on the iPhone too. I already use (every day several times!) Omnifocus both on Mac and iPhone. They are great applications (iphone app could be speedier when launched).
But I still would like an outliner for taking notes, organising ideas, etc… and for this, OmniFocus does not work.
I’m ready to pay, of course! There is a market, OmniGroup!
And with your experience with OF/iPhone, doing a second app would be much easier: you could reuse part of the GUI, sync code, etc…
Come on!
I would love to have OmniOutliner on the iPhone too. I already use (every day several times!) Omnifocus both on Mac and iPhone. They are great applications (iphone app could be speedier when launched).
But I still would like an outliner for taking notes, organising ideas, etc… and for this, OmniFocus does not work.
I’m ready to pay, of course! There is a market, OmniGroup!
And with your experience with OF/iPhone, doing a second app would be much easier: you could reuse part of the GUI, sync code, etc…
Come on!
I would love to have OmniOutliner on the iPhone too. I already use (every day several times!) Omnifocus both on Mac and iPhone. They are great applications (iphone app could be speedier when launched).
But I still would like an outliner for taking notes, organising ideas, etc… and for this, OmniFocus does not work.
I’m ready to pay, of course! There is a market, OmniGroup!
And with your experience with OF/iPhone, doing a second app would be much easier: you could reuse part of the GUI, sync code, etc…
Come on!
I would love to have OmniOutliner on the iPhone too. I already use (every day several times!) Omnifocus both on Mac and iPhone. They are great applications (iphone app could be speedier when launched).
But I still would like an outliner for taking notes, organising ideas, etc… and for this, OmniFocus does not work.
I’m ready to pay, of course! There is a market, OmniGroup!
And with your experience with OF/iPhone, doing a second app would be much easier: you could reuse part of the GUI, sync code, etc…
Come on!
Vincent, actually OmniFocus works pretty well for that. I disabled some of the project management features and it works well. The iPhone version is limited in it’s editing abilities, but the Syncing is so pain-free (once I set it up correctly).
The interface on both needs some serious refining! Moving things around, what and very little control over exactly HOW you can view things. Given that both Mac and iPhone apps are both version 1 products and given OmniGroup’s track record, I expect them to improve dramatically over time.
In that respect OmniOutliner is a much more refined product! It’s kind of dumb OG didn’t use OO as a jumping off point for OF, though!
I balked at the price at first, but what’s done is done. I just couldn’t wait around for OmniOutliner to put out an iPhone version, or any of the competing products to releasee both Mac and iPhone versions (Things, The Hit List). Things has both, but I don’t like it much. I like The Hit List best, but just couldn’t wait around for vaporware to be released for real.
Vincent, actually OmniFocus works pretty well for that. I disabled some of the project management features and it works well. The iPhone version is limited in it’s editing abilities, but the Syncing is so pain-free (once I set it up correctly).
The interface on both needs some serious refining! Moving things around, what and very little control over exactly HOW you can view things. Given that both Mac and iPhone apps are both version 1 products and given OmniGroup’s track record, I expect them to improve dramatically over time.
In that respect OmniOutliner is a much more refined product! It’s kind of dumb OG didn’t use OO as a jumping off point for OF, though!
I balked at the price at first, but what’s done is done. I just couldn’t wait around for OmniOutliner to put out an iPhone version, or any of the competing products to releasee both Mac and iPhone versions (Things, The Hit List). Things has both, but I don’t like it much. I like The Hit List best, but just couldn’t wait around for vaporware to be released for real.
Vincent, actually OmniFocus works pretty well for that. I disabled some of the project management features and it works well. The iPhone version is limited in it’s editing abilities, but the Syncing is so pain-free (once I set it up correctly).
The interface on both needs some serious refining! Moving things around, what and very little control over exactly HOW you can view things. Given that both Mac and iPhone apps are both version 1 products and given OmniGroup’s track record, I expect them to improve dramatically over time.
In that respect OmniOutliner is a much more refined product! It’s kind of dumb OG didn’t use OO as a jumping off point for OF, though!
I balked at the price at first, but what’s done is done. I just couldn’t wait around for OmniOutliner to put out an iPhone version, or any of the competing products to releasee both Mac and iPhone versions (Things, The Hit List). Things has both, but I don’t like it much. I like The Hit List best, but just couldn’t wait around for vaporware to be released for real.
Vincent, actually OmniFocus works pretty well for that. I disabled some of the project management features and it works well. The iPhone version is limited in it’s editing abilities, but the Syncing is so pain-free (once I set it up correctly).
The interface on both needs some serious refining! Moving things around, what and very little control over exactly HOW you can view things. Given that both Mac and iPhone apps are both version 1 products and given OmniGroup’s track record, I expect them to improve dramatically over time.
In that respect OmniOutliner is a much more refined product! It’s kind of dumb OG didn’t use OO as a jumping off point for OF, though!
I balked at the price at first, but what’s done is done. I just couldn’t wait around for OmniOutliner to put out an iPhone version, or any of the competing products to releasee both Mac and iPhone versions (Things, The Hit List). Things has both, but I don’t like it much. I like The Hit List best, but just couldn’t wait around for vaporware to be released for real.
Vincent, actually OmniFocus works pretty well for that. I disabled some of the project management features and it works well. The iPhone version is limited in it’s editing abilities, but the Syncing is so pain-free (once I set it up correctly).
The interface on both needs some serious refining! Moving things around, what and very little control over exactly HOW you can view things. Given that both Mac and iPhone apps are both version 1 products and given OmniGroup’s track record, I expect them to improve dramatically over time.
In that respect OmniOutliner is a much more refined product! It’s kind of dumb OG didn’t use OO as a jumping off point for OF, though!
I balked at the price at first, but what’s done is done. I just couldn’t wait around for OmniOutliner to put out an iPhone version, or any of the competing products to releasee both Mac and iPhone versions (Things, The Hit List). Things has both, but I don’t like it much. I like The Hit List best, but just couldn’t wait around for vaporware to be released for real.
CarbonFin http://carbonfin.com/ has Outliner for the iPod Touch/iPhone. This has syncing to a web account from which OPML files can be imported and exported. It seems to work quite well, but I haven’t tested extensively as I have travelled much since getting an iPhone. Syncing is done from the iPhone. Export to OO requires only dropping the .txt extension from the downloaded files.
Disclosure: I have no connection with CarbonFin except as a user.
CarbonFin http://carbonfin.com/ has Outliner for the iPod Touch/iPhone. This has syncing to a web account from which OPML files can be imported and exported. It seems to work quite well, but I haven’t tested extensively as I have travelled much since getting an iPhone. Syncing is done from the iPhone. Export to OO requires only dropping the .txt extension from the downloaded files.
Disclosure: I have no connection with CarbonFin except as a user.
CarbonFin http://carbonfin.com/ has Outliner for the iPod Touch/iPhone. This has syncing to a web account from which OPML files can be imported and exported. It seems to work quite well, but I haven’t tested extensively as I have travelled much since getting an iPhone. Syncing is done from the iPhone. Export to OO requires only dropping the .txt extension from the downloaded files.
Disclosure: I have no connection with CarbonFin except as a user.
CarbonFin http://carbonfin.com/ has Outliner for the iPod Touch/iPhone. This has syncing to a web account from which OPML files can be imported and exported. It seems to work quite well, but I haven’t tested extensively as I have travelled much since getting an iPhone. Syncing is done from the iPhone. Export to OO requires only dropping the .txt extension from the downloaded files.
Disclosure: I have no connection with CarbonFin except as a user.
CarbonFin http://carbonfin.com/ has Outliner for the iPod Touch/iPhone. This has syncing to a web account from which OPML files can be imported and exported. It seems to work quite well, but I haven’t tested extensively as I have travelled much since getting an iPhone. Syncing is done from the iPhone. Export to OO requires only dropping the .txt extension from the downloaded files.
Disclosure: I have no connection with CarbonFin except as a user.
I was just searching for Omni Outliner on the iPhone and can’t believe it hasn’t been developed yet. The guys at Omni are obviously big fans of GTD (Getting things done), but lists (an integral part of the GTD system) aren’t catered for in omnifocus. No sweat, omni outliner is just the trick. But if you’re using the GTD system with an iPhone and Omni focus, well you need an OO for the iPhone, plain and simple. It’s just gotta happen – come on Omni-fellas, shake a leg and get a move on with oo for iPhone.
Cmav, love the challenge you’ve thrown down. Love to see them take it.
Bill, nice idea re: the webDAV aware oo.
I was just searching for Omni Outliner on the iPhone and can’t believe it hasn’t been developed yet. The guys at Omni are obviously big fans of GTD (Getting things done), but lists (an integral part of the GTD system) aren’t catered for in omnifocus. No sweat, omni outliner is just the trick. But if you’re using the GTD system with an iPhone and Omni focus, well you need an OO for the iPhone, plain and simple. It’s just gotta happen – come on Omni-fellas, shake a leg and get a move on with oo for iPhone.
Cmav, love the challenge you’ve thrown down. Love to see them take it.
Bill, nice idea re: the webDAV aware oo.
I was just searching for Omni Outliner on the iPhone and can’t believe it hasn’t been developed yet. The guys at Omni are obviously big fans of GTD (Getting things done), but lists (an integral part of the GTD system) aren’t catered for in omnifocus. No sweat, omni outliner is just the trick. But if you’re using the GTD system with an iPhone and Omni focus, well you need an OO for the iPhone, plain and simple. It’s just gotta happen – come on Omni-fellas, shake a leg and get a move on with oo for iPhone.
Cmav, love the challenge you’ve thrown down. Love to see them take it.
Bill, nice idea re: the webDAV aware oo.
I was just searching for Omni Outliner on the iPhone and can’t believe it hasn’t been developed yet. The guys at Omni are obviously big fans of GTD (Getting things done), but lists (an integral part of the GTD system) aren’t catered for in omnifocus. No sweat, omni outliner is just the trick. But if you’re using the GTD system with an iPhone and Omni focus, well you need an OO for the iPhone, plain and simple. It’s just gotta happen – come on Omni-fellas, shake a leg and get a move on with oo for iPhone.
Cmav, love the challenge you’ve thrown down. Love to see them take it.
Bill, nice idea re: the webDAV aware oo.
I was just searching for Omni Outliner on the iPhone and can’t believe it hasn’t been developed yet. The guys at Omni are obviously big fans of GTD (Getting things done), but lists (an integral part of the GTD system) aren’t catered for in omnifocus. No sweat, omni outliner is just the trick. But if you’re using the GTD system with an iPhone and Omni focus, well you need an OO for the iPhone, plain and simple. It’s just gotta happen – come on Omni-fellas, shake a leg and get a move on with oo for iPhone.
Cmav, love the challenge you’ve thrown down. Love to see them take it.
Bill, nice idea re: the webDAV aware oo.
I’m using OmniFocus as I would OmniOutliner, minus the GTD stuff, as I find it cumbersome and overly complex for my needs. I may be a geek, but I’m not a dork! ;^) I use it mainly for making lists, as I would with OO. I occasionally make items into iCal events or set finish times, but it’s really not necessary to use all the GTD stuff.
This is how I set it up:
In the OmniFocus Library folder, I make category folders. In each folder I create Projects for specific things and simply use them as outlines/lists. I deselected the hide completed items preference, because I like to see what I’ve done and I also duplicate lists and rework them for other uses.
The only real downside is that the text styling is pretty limited. And you can only set global styles for each type of item. Again it’s overly complex GTD stuff that can be used or ignored. Personally, I’d like to see Omni add some of the features, edibility and ease of use of OmniOutliner to OmniFocus. The iPhone version needs more edibility as well.
It’s also not necessary to have a MobileMe account to sync between your Mac and iPhone/iPod touch, wi-fi works fine. It’s not possible to sync directly between your Mac and iPhone/touch because Apple set limitations on direct syncing, keeping that exclusively for iTunes.
I’m guessing that Omni figures that OmniOutliner users will eventually give up waiting for an iPhone version and pay the $100 entry fee for OmniFocus for Mac and iPhone/iPod touch. They’ll just make more money off of us and not have to put any resources into making an iPhone compatible version of OO and an iPhone version of OO. They’ll also drive potential customers to cheaper competing Mac/iPhone syncable software combos like Things and The Hit list.
I’m using OmniFocus as I would OmniOutliner, minus the GTD stuff, as I find it cumbersome and overly complex for my needs. I may be a geek, but I’m not a dork! ;^) I use it mainly for making lists, as I would with OO. I occasionally make items into iCal events or set finish times, but it’s really not necessary to use all the GTD stuff.
This is how I set it up:
In the OmniFocus Library folder, I make category folders. In each folder I create Projects for specific things and simply use them as outlines/lists. I deselected the hide completed items preference, because I like to see what I’ve done and I also duplicate lists and rework them for other uses.
The only real downside is that the text styling is pretty limited. And you can only set global styles for each type of item. Again it’s overly complex GTD stuff that can be used or ignored. Personally, I’d like to see Omni add some of the features, edibility and ease of use of OmniOutliner to OmniFocus. The iPhone version needs more edibility as well.
It’s also not necessary to have a MobileMe account to sync between your Mac and iPhone/iPod touch, wi-fi works fine. It’s not possible to sync directly between your Mac and iPhone/touch because Apple set limitations on direct syncing, keeping that exclusively for iTunes.
I’m guessing that Omni figures that OmniOutliner users will eventually give up waiting for an iPhone version and pay the $100 entry fee for OmniFocus for Mac and iPhone/iPod touch. They’ll just make more money off of us and not have to put any resources into making an iPhone compatible version of OO and an iPhone version of OO. They’ll also drive potential customers to cheaper competing Mac/iPhone syncable software combos like Things and The Hit list.
I’m using OmniFocus as I would OmniOutliner, minus the GTD stuff, as I find it cumbersome and overly complex for my needs. I may be a geek, but I’m not a dork! ;^) I use it mainly for making lists, as I would with OO. I occasionally make items into iCal events or set finish times, but it’s really not necessary to use all the GTD stuff.
This is how I set it up:
In the OmniFocus Library folder, I make category folders. In each folder I create Projects for specific things and simply use them as outlines/lists. I deselected the hide completed items preference, because I like to see what I’ve done and I also duplicate lists and rework them for other uses.
The only real downside is that the text styling is pretty limited. And you can only set global styles for each type of item. Again it’s overly complex GTD stuff that can be used or ignored. Personally, I’d like to see Omni add some of the features, edibility and ease of use of OmniOutliner to OmniFocus. The iPhone version needs more edibility as well.
It’s also not necessary to have a MobileMe account to sync between your Mac and iPhone/iPod touch, wi-fi works fine. It’s not possible to sync directly between your Mac and iPhone/touch because Apple set limitations on direct syncing, keeping that exclusively for iTunes.
I’m guessing that Omni figures that OmniOutliner users will eventually give up waiting for an iPhone version and pay the $100 entry fee for OmniFocus for Mac and iPhone/iPod touch. They’ll just make more money off of us and not have to put any resources into making an iPhone compatible version of OO and an iPhone version of OO. They’ll also drive potential customers to cheaper competing Mac/iPhone syncable software combos like Things and The Hit list.
I’m using OmniFocus as I would OmniOutliner, minus the GTD stuff, as I find it cumbersome and overly complex for my needs. I may be a geek, but I’m not a dork! ;^) I use it mainly for making lists, as I would with OO. I occasionally make items into iCal events or set finish times, but it’s really not necessary to use all the GTD stuff.
This is how I set it up:
In the OmniFocus Library folder, I make category folders. In each folder I create Projects for specific things and simply use them as outlines/lists. I deselected the hide completed items preference, because I like to see what I’ve done and I also duplicate lists and rework them for other uses.
The only real downside is that the text styling is pretty limited. And you can only set global styles for each type of item. Again it’s overly complex GTD stuff that can be used or ignored. Personally, I’d like to see Omni add some of the features, edibility and ease of use of OmniOutliner to OmniFocus. The iPhone version needs more edibility as well.
It’s also not necessary to have a MobileMe account to sync between your Mac and iPhone/iPod touch, wi-fi works fine. It’s not possible to sync directly between your Mac and iPhone/touch because Apple set limitations on direct syncing, keeping that exclusively for iTunes.
I’m guessing that Omni figures that OmniOutliner users will eventually give up waiting for an iPhone version and pay the $100 entry fee for OmniFocus for Mac and iPhone/iPod touch. They’ll just make more money off of us and not have to put any resources into making an iPhone compatible version of OO and an iPhone version of OO. They’ll also drive potential customers to cheaper competing Mac/iPhone syncable software combos like Things and The Hit list.
I’m using OmniFocus as I would OmniOutliner, minus the GTD stuff, as I find it cumbersome and overly complex for my needs. I may be a geek, but I’m not a dork! ;^) I use it mainly for making lists, as I would with OO. I occasionally make items into iCal events or set finish times, but it’s really not necessary to use all the GTD stuff.
This is how I set it up:
In the OmniFocus Library folder, I make category folders. In each folder I create Projects for specific things and simply use them as outlines/lists. I deselected the hide completed items preference, because I like to see what I’ve done and I also duplicate lists and rework them for other uses.
The only real downside is that the text styling is pretty limited. And you can only set global styles for each type of item. Again it’s overly complex GTD stuff that can be used or ignored. Personally, I’d like to see Omni add some of the features, edibility and ease of use of OmniOutliner to OmniFocus. The iPhone version needs more edibility as well.
It’s also not necessary to have a MobileMe account to sync between your Mac and iPhone/iPod touch, wi-fi works fine. It’s not possible to sync directly between your Mac and iPhone/touch because Apple set limitations on direct syncing, keeping that exclusively for iTunes.
I’m guessing that Omni figures that OmniOutliner users will eventually give up waiting for an iPhone version and pay the $100 entry fee for OmniFocus for Mac and iPhone/iPod touch. They’ll just make more money off of us and not have to put any resources into making an iPhone compatible version of OO and an iPhone version of OO. They’ll also drive potential customers to cheaper competing Mac/iPhone syncable software combos like Things and The Hit list.
Reading all the comments, I must re-specify that OO-iPhone would be great AND I believe it would be very useful, eventhough I already use OF. These are different applications. I like to keep my tasks organized in OF and it’s great for that (both iPhone and Mac – I bought both). But I’d also like to use a great outliner to organize my ideas, notes, references, etc… I don’t want to mix tasks and notes (OF and OO). I already own OmniOutliner for Mac and would gladly buy OO for iPhone (to sync all my files from my Mac and edit them on the phone).
I tried using iThoughts which is not bad but I’m not really impressed by mind mapping (vs an outliner). I tried most other lists apps (splash NotesLite, ZeptoLiner, FliqNotes…) and none is sufficient for me.
If OmniGroup want to make more money, they could take OF as a start and tune it to make it a great outliner. Both products would share a common base (cheaper to develop and improve each other), and I would buy both!
Reading all the comments, I must re-specify that OO-iPhone would be great AND I believe it would be very useful, eventhough I already use OF. These are different applications. I like to keep my tasks organized in OF and it’s great for that (both iPhone and Mac – I bought both). But I’d also like to use a great outliner to organize my ideas, notes, references, etc… I don’t want to mix tasks and notes (OF and OO). I already own OmniOutliner for Mac and would gladly buy OO for iPhone (to sync all my files from my Mac and edit them on the phone).
I tried using iThoughts which is not bad but I’m not really impressed by mind mapping (vs an outliner). I tried most other lists apps (splash NotesLite, ZeptoLiner, FliqNotes…) and none is sufficient for me.
If OmniGroup want to make more money, they could take OF as a start and tune it to make it a great outliner. Both products would share a common base (cheaper to develop and improve each other), and I would buy both!
Reading all the comments, I must re-specify that OO-iPhone would be great AND I believe it would be very useful, eventhough I already use OF. These are different applications. I like to keep my tasks organized in OF and it’s great for that (both iPhone and Mac – I bought both). But I’d also like to use a great outliner to organize my ideas, notes, references, etc… I don’t want to mix tasks and notes (OF and OO). I already own OmniOutliner for Mac and would gladly buy OO for iPhone (to sync all my files from my Mac and edit them on the phone).
I tried using iThoughts which is not bad but I’m not really impressed by mind mapping (vs an outliner). I tried most other lists apps (splash NotesLite, ZeptoLiner, FliqNotes…) and none is sufficient for me.
If OmniGroup want to make more money, they could take OF as a start and tune it to make it a great outliner. Both products would share a common base (cheaper to develop and improve each other), and I would buy both!
Reading all the comments, I must re-specify that OO-iPhone would be great AND I believe it would be very useful, eventhough I already use OF. These are different applications. I like to keep my tasks organized in OF and it’s great for that (both iPhone and Mac – I bought both). But I’d also like to use a great outliner to organize my ideas, notes, references, etc… I don’t want to mix tasks and notes (OF and OO). I already own OmniOutliner for Mac and would gladly buy OO for iPhone (to sync all my files from my Mac and edit them on the phone).
I tried using iThoughts which is not bad but I’m not really impressed by mind mapping (vs an outliner). I tried most other lists apps (splash NotesLite, ZeptoLiner, FliqNotes…) and none is sufficient for me.
If OmniGroup want to make more money, they could take OF as a start and tune it to make it a great outliner. Both products would share a common base (cheaper to develop and improve each other), and I would buy both!
Reading all the comments, I must re-specify that OO-iPhone would be great AND I believe it would be very useful, eventhough I already use OF. These are different applications. I like to keep my tasks organized in OF and it’s great for that (both iPhone and Mac – I bought both). But I’d also like to use a great outliner to organize my ideas, notes, references, etc… I don’t want to mix tasks and notes (OF and OO). I already own OmniOutliner for Mac and would gladly buy OO for iPhone (to sync all my files from my Mac and edit them on the phone).
I tried using iThoughts which is not bad but I’m not really impressed by mind mapping (vs an outliner). I tried most other lists apps (splash NotesLite, ZeptoLiner, FliqNotes…) and none is sufficient for me.
If OmniGroup want to make more money, they could take OF as a start and tune it to make it a great outliner. Both products would share a common base (cheaper to develop and improve each other), and I would buy both!
I agree about OO for iPhone/iPod touch. If Omni would add a few interface preferences that could more closely emulate OO, that would be fine.
The two biggest weaknesses of the mobile version of OmniFocus is that it’s not possible to reveal the entire hierarchy of a project in typical list view, like any outliner. I’ve also not found a way to drag and reorder list items either.
OmniFocus WILL directly import OmniOutliner files, BTW.
I agree about OO for iPhone/iPod touch. If Omni would add a few interface preferences that could more closely emulate OO, that would be fine.
The two biggest weaknesses of the mobile version of OmniFocus is that it’s not possible to reveal the entire hierarchy of a project in typical list view, like any outliner. I’ve also not found a way to drag and reorder list items either.
OmniFocus WILL directly import OmniOutliner files, BTW.
I agree about OO for iPhone/iPod touch. If Omni would add a few interface preferences that could more closely emulate OO, that would be fine.
The two biggest weaknesses of the mobile version of OmniFocus is that it’s not possible to reveal the entire hierarchy of a project in typical list view, like any outliner. I’ve also not found a way to drag and reorder list items either.
OmniFocus WILL directly import OmniOutliner files, BTW.
I agree about OO for iPhone/iPod touch. If Omni would add a few interface preferences that could more closely emulate OO, that would be fine.
The two biggest weaknesses of the mobile version of OmniFocus is that it’s not possible to reveal the entire hierarchy of a project in typical list view, like any outliner. I’ve also not found a way to drag and reorder list items either.
OmniFocus WILL directly import OmniOutliner files, BTW.
I agree about OO for iPhone/iPod touch. If Omni would add a few interface preferences that could more closely emulate OO, that would be fine.
The two biggest weaknesses of the mobile version of OmniFocus is that it’s not possible to reveal the entire hierarchy of a project in typical list view, like any outliner. I’ve also not found a way to drag and reorder list items either.
OmniFocus WILL directly import OmniOutliner files, BTW.
@Mr. Reese
My dealings with Omni Group are not consistent with that view. My guess is this is more about limited resources than any attempt to get more money from users. I spoke with Ken Case (Omni President) at Macworld 2009 and they are definitely giving thought about how to implement OO to the iPhone. I suspect they are planning a significant upgrade to the OO Mac app and I’d guess that an iPhone client would be part of the mix. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see, or find an iPhone outliner elsewhere.
@Mr. Reese
My dealings with Omni Group are not consistent with that view. My guess is this is more about limited resources than any attempt to get more money from users. I spoke with Ken Case (Omni President) at Macworld 2009 and they are definitely giving thought about how to implement OO to the iPhone. I suspect they are planning a significant upgrade to the OO Mac app and I’d guess that an iPhone client would be part of the mix. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see, or find an iPhone outliner elsewhere.
@Mr. Reese
My dealings with Omni Group are not consistent with that view. My guess is this is more about limited resources than any attempt to get more money from users. I spoke with Ken Case (Omni President) at Macworld 2009 and they are definitely giving thought about how to implement OO to the iPhone. I suspect they are planning a significant upgrade to the OO Mac app and I’d guess that an iPhone client would be part of the mix. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see, or find an iPhone outliner elsewhere.
@Mr. Reese
My dealings with Omni Group are not consistent with that view. My guess is this is more about limited resources than any attempt to get more money from users. I spoke with Ken Case (Omni President) at Macworld 2009 and they are definitely giving thought about how to implement OO to the iPhone. I suspect they are planning a significant upgrade to the OO Mac app and I’d guess that an iPhone client would be part of the mix. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see, or find an iPhone outliner elsewhere.
@Mr. Reese
My dealings with Omni Group are not consistent with that view. My guess is this is more about limited resources than any attempt to get more money from users. I spoke with Ken Case (Omni President) at Macworld 2009 and they are definitely giving thought about how to implement OO to the iPhone. I suspect they are planning a significant upgrade to the OO Mac app and I’d guess that an iPhone client would be part of the mix. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see, or find an iPhone outliner elsewhere.
I highly doubt OO comes to the iPhone anytime soon (maybe 2011 or 2012). TOG has been talking about and soliciting features for OO4 since at least 2006, and OO4 is clearly a priority to TOG over an iPhone version (even though it’s no where in sight with 2010 approaching).
We use OOP regularly and I would buy iPhone versions … and we really could use some of the often requested/mentioned ‘new’ features of OO4 (features which are standard in many apps these days) … but I can’t really wait any longer for TOG to get off the pot (they ‘talk’ about things but take forever ‘commit’ to producing anything).
Rumors and toes in the water don’t GTD … and I need something that works on Macs & iPhones for me, and my employees, now. We have four major projects due over the next 22 months and if we need to use something else to get there we’re certainly not switching back once TOG decides to release OO4 or a version for the iPhone.
I highly doubt OO comes to the iPhone anytime soon (maybe 2011 or 2012). TOG has been talking about and soliciting features for OO4 since at least 2006, and OO4 is clearly a priority to TOG over an iPhone version (even though it’s no where in sight with 2010 approaching).
We use OOP regularly and I would buy iPhone versions … and we really could use some of the often requested/mentioned ‘new’ features of OO4 (features which are standard in many apps these days) … but I can’t really wait any longer for TOG to get off the pot (they ‘talk’ about things but take forever ‘commit’ to producing anything).
Rumors and toes in the water don’t GTD … and I need something that works on Macs & iPhones for me, and my employees, now. We have four major projects due over the next 22 months and if we need to use something else to get there we’re certainly not switching back once TOG decides to release OO4 or a version for the iPhone.
I highly doubt OO comes to the iPhone anytime soon (maybe 2011 or 2012). TOG has been talking about and soliciting features for OO4 since at least 2006, and OO4 is clearly a priority to TOG over an iPhone version (even though it’s no where in sight with 2010 approaching).
We use OOP regularly and I would buy iPhone versions … and we really could use some of the often requested/mentioned ‘new’ features of OO4 (features which are standard in many apps these days) … but I can’t really wait any longer for TOG to get off the pot (they ‘talk’ about things but take forever ‘commit’ to producing anything).
Rumors and toes in the water don’t GTD … and I need something that works on Macs & iPhones for me, and my employees, now. We have four major projects due over the next 22 months and if we need to use something else to get there we’re certainly not switching back once TOG decides to release OO4 or a version for the iPhone.
I highly doubt OO comes to the iPhone anytime soon (maybe 2011 or 2012). TOG has been talking about and soliciting features for OO4 since at least 2006, and OO4 is clearly a priority to TOG over an iPhone version (even though it’s no where in sight with 2010 approaching).
We use OOP regularly and I would buy iPhone versions … and we really could use some of the often requested/mentioned ‘new’ features of OO4 (features which are standard in many apps these days) … but I can’t really wait any longer for TOG to get off the pot (they ‘talk’ about things but take forever ‘commit’ to producing anything).
Rumors and toes in the water don’t GTD … and I need something that works on Macs & iPhones for me, and my employees, now. We have four major projects due over the next 22 months and if we need to use something else to get there we’re certainly not switching back once TOG decides to release OO4 or a version for the iPhone.
I highly doubt OO comes to the iPhone anytime soon (maybe 2011 or 2012). TOG has been talking about and soliciting features for OO4 since at least 2006, and OO4 is clearly a priority to TOG over an iPhone version (even though it’s no where in sight with 2010 approaching).
We use OOP regularly and I would buy iPhone versions … and we really could use some of the often requested/mentioned ‘new’ features of OO4 (features which are standard in many apps these days) … but I can’t really wait any longer for TOG to get off the pot (they ‘talk’ about things but take forever ‘commit’ to producing anything).
Rumors and toes in the water don’t GTD … and I need something that works on Macs & iPhones for me, and my employees, now. We have four major projects due over the next 22 months and if we need to use something else to get there we’re certainly not switching back once TOG decides to release OO4 or a version for the iPhone.
I agree. I doubt we’ll see OmniOutliner on the iPhone/iPod touch any time soon. Forget my earlier conspiracy theory, btw. ;^)
I think part of the problem is structural. OO is a typical document-centric application; you work with separate files, that you can move around and store anywhere in the Finder. OmniFocus uses an internal database, where everything is stored in one central file that the user doesn’t really interact with in the Finder. That’s perfect for iPhone/iPod touch OS and there are many advantages over a separate file system, like searches.
The biggest question: How exactly would separate files be handled, especially since the iPhone/iPod touch OS has no visible file structure that a user can interact with?
My guess is that in order for OO to work on the iPhone/iPod touch, it will need a major structural overhaul and I really don’t see it happening any time soon or at all, especially since there’s quite a bit of overlap between OO and OmniFocus.
I think our best bet would be to plead directly to and ask them Omni to add features to OmniFocus that would make it a bit more flexible and usable as a straight outliner. Why can’t they simply add an outline view?
I agree. I doubt we’ll see OmniOutliner on the iPhone/iPod touch any time soon. Forget my earlier conspiracy theory, btw. ;^)
I think part of the problem is structural. OO is a typical document-centric application; you work with separate files, that you can move around and store anywhere in the Finder. OmniFocus uses an internal database, where everything is stored in one central file that the user doesn’t really interact with in the Finder. That’s perfect for iPhone/iPod touch OS and there are many advantages over a separate file system, like searches.
The biggest question: How exactly would separate files be handled, especially since the iPhone/iPod touch OS has no visible file structure that a user can interact with?
My guess is that in order for OO to work on the iPhone/iPod touch, it will need a major structural overhaul and I really don’t see it happening any time soon or at all, especially since there’s quite a bit of overlap between OO and OmniFocus.
I think our best bet would be to plead directly to and ask them Omni to add features to OmniFocus that would make it a bit more flexible and usable as a straight outliner. Why can’t they simply add an outline view?
I agree. I doubt we’ll see OmniOutliner on the iPhone/iPod touch any time soon. Forget my earlier conspiracy theory, btw. ;^)
I think part of the problem is structural. OO is a typical document-centric application; you work with separate files, that you can move around and store anywhere in the Finder. OmniFocus uses an internal database, where everything is stored in one central file that the user doesn’t really interact with in the Finder. That’s perfect for iPhone/iPod touch OS and there are many advantages over a separate file system, like searches.
The biggest question: How exactly would separate files be handled, especially since the iPhone/iPod touch OS has no visible file structure that a user can interact with?
My guess is that in order for OO to work on the iPhone/iPod touch, it will need a major structural overhaul and I really don’t see it happening any time soon or at all, especially since there’s quite a bit of overlap between OO and OmniFocus.
I think our best bet would be to plead directly to and ask them Omni to add features to OmniFocus that would make it a bit more flexible and usable as a straight outliner. Why can’t they simply add an outline view?
I agree. I doubt we’ll see OmniOutliner on the iPhone/iPod touch any time soon. Forget my earlier conspiracy theory, btw. ;^)
I think part of the problem is structural. OO is a typical document-centric application; you work with separate files, that you can move around and store anywhere in the Finder. OmniFocus uses an internal database, where everything is stored in one central file that the user doesn’t really interact with in the Finder. That’s perfect for iPhone/iPod touch OS and there are many advantages over a separate file system, like searches.
The biggest question: How exactly would separate files be handled, especially since the iPhone/iPod touch OS has no visible file structure that a user can interact with?
My guess is that in order for OO to work on the iPhone/iPod touch, it will need a major structural overhaul and I really don’t see it happening any time soon or at all, especially since there’s quite a bit of overlap between OO and OmniFocus.
I think our best bet would be to plead directly to and ask them Omni to add features to OmniFocus that would make it a bit more flexible and usable as a straight outliner. Why can’t they simply add an outline view?
I agree. I doubt we’ll see OmniOutliner on the iPhone/iPod touch any time soon. Forget my earlier conspiracy theory, btw. ;^)
I think part of the problem is structural. OO is a typical document-centric application; you work with separate files, that you can move around and store anywhere in the Finder. OmniFocus uses an internal database, where everything is stored in one central file that the user doesn’t really interact with in the Finder. That’s perfect for iPhone/iPod touch OS and there are many advantages over a separate file system, like searches.
The biggest question: How exactly would separate files be handled, especially since the iPhone/iPod touch OS has no visible file structure that a user can interact with?
My guess is that in order for OO to work on the iPhone/iPod touch, it will need a major structural overhaul and I really don’t see it happening any time soon or at all, especially since there’s quite a bit of overlap between OO and OmniFocus.
I think our best bet would be to plead directly to and ask them Omni to add features to OmniFocus that would make it a bit more flexible and usable as a straight outliner. Why can’t they simply add an outline view?