I’m not exactly sure why, but in Snow Leopard, clipping a mail address also copies the addressee name. So when you paste it, you don’t have a mailable address. Why Apple changed this? I have no clue. Thanks to Hawk Wings, I found the solution today.
Open your terminal and paste in the following:
defaults write com.apple.mail AddressesIncludeNameOnPasteboard -bool NO
Problem solved.
For anyone uncomfortable with Terminal you can achieve the same via Blacktree’s Secrets prefpane (uncheck Mail > “Include name”). HTH
For anyone uncomfortable with Terminal you can achieve the same via Blacktree’s Secrets prefpane (uncheck Mail > “Include name”). HTH
For anyone uncomfortable with Terminal you can achieve the same via Blacktree’s Secrets prefpane (uncheck Mail > “Include name”). HTH
For anyone uncomfortable with Terminal you can achieve the same via Blacktree’s Secrets prefpane (uncheck Mail > “Include name”). HTH
For anyone uncomfortable with Terminal you can achieve the same via Blacktree’s Secrets prefpane (uncheck Mail > “Include name”). HTH
Thanks for posting this! Worked like a charm. I just opened a terminal, copied, pasted, hit enter and viola! Since I hadn’t used the mail app before installing Snow Leopard, I didn’t realize that this was a new issue. However, new or old, I did find it annoying. I’m so glad to have a fix for it.
Thanks for posting this! Worked like a charm. I just opened a terminal, copied, pasted, hit enter and viola! Since I hadn’t used the mail app before installing Snow Leopard, I didn’t realize that this was a new issue. However, new or old, I did find it annoying. I’m so glad to have a fix for it.
Thanks for posting this! Worked like a charm. I just opened a terminal, copied, pasted, hit enter and viola! Since I hadn’t used the mail app before installing Snow Leopard, I didn’t realize that this was a new issue. However, new or old, I did find it annoying. I’m so glad to have a fix for it.
Thanks for posting this! Worked like a charm. I just opened a terminal, copied, pasted, hit enter and viola! Since I hadn’t used the mail app before installing Snow Leopard, I didn’t realize that this was a new issue. However, new or old, I did find it annoying. I’m so glad to have a fix for it.
Thanks for posting this! Worked like a charm. I just opened a terminal, copied, pasted, hit enter and viola! Since I hadn’t used the mail app before installing Snow Leopard, I didn’t realize that this was a new issue. However, new or old, I did find it annoying. I’m so glad to have a fix for it.