I’m starting to notice benchmarks concerning the impact of Lion FileVault on portable Macs. I don’t think benchmarks are the right context for this discussion. You either need encryption or you don’t. If the thought of someone, who just stole your laptop, rifling through your files, browser passwords, and other data, doesn’t bother you, move on. Otherwise, use FileVault. I use it and can’t see or feel any appreciable system slowdown on my Fall 2010 MacBook Air. Neither can Ben Brooks or Federrico Viticci. To me this is a complete non-issue. Laptop + Lion = Encryption.
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Good to read that the new FileVault does not hit performance noticeably. How is the behavior in relation to Time Machine? Is the old practice of logging out to get a back-up done gone?
Good to read that the new FileVault does not hit performance noticeably. How is the behavior in relation to Time Machine? Is the old practice of logging out to get a back-up done gone?
Good to read that the new FileVault does not hit performance noticeably. How is the behavior in relation to Time Machine? Is the old practice of logging out to get a back-up done gone?
Good to read that the new FileVault does not hit performance noticeably. How is the behavior in relation to Time Machine? Is the old practice of logging out to get a back-up done gone?
Good to read that the new FileVault does not hit performance noticeably. How is the behavior in relation to Time Machine? Is the old practice of logging out to get a back-up done gone?
I did notice a performance hit with Lion and File Vault 2 initiated on my early 2009 Macbook. I decrypted the drive due to this slowdown. I have Agile's Knox file vaults for files that need to be encrypted on my Macbook. This is a better solution for me.
I did notice a performance hit with Lion and File Vault 2 initiated on my early 2009 Macbook. I decrypted the drive due to this slowdown. I have Agile's Knox file vaults for files that need to be encrypted on my Macbook. This is a better solution for me.
I did notice a performance hit with Lion and File Vault 2 initiated on my early 2009 Macbook. I decrypted the drive due to this slowdown. I have Agile's Knox file vaults for files that need to be encrypted on my Macbook. This is a better solution for me.
I did notice a performance hit with Lion and File Vault 2 initiated on my early 2009 Macbook. I decrypted the drive due to this slowdown. I have Agile's Knox file vaults for files that need to be encrypted on my Macbook. This is a better solution for me.
I did notice a performance hit with Lion and File Vault 2 initiated on my early 2009 Macbook. I decrypted the drive due to this slowdown. I have Agile's Knox file vaults for files that need to be encrypted on my Macbook. This is a better solution for me.
I'd have said the main issue for Filevault is battery life rather than performance. I agree that if you need encryption you just need encryption and that's the end of it but it's still awkward if your laptop dies a little sooner because of it.
I'd have said the main issue for Filevault is battery life rather than performance. I agree that if you need encryption you just need encryption and that's the end of it but it's still awkward if your laptop dies a little sooner because of it.
I'd have said the main issue for Filevault is battery life rather than performance. I agree that if you need encryption you just need encryption and that's the end of it but it's still awkward if your laptop dies a little sooner because of it.
I'd have said the main issue for Filevault is battery life rather than performance. I agree that if you need encryption you just need encryption and that's the end of it but it's still awkward if your laptop dies a little sooner because of it.
I'd have said the main issue for Filevault is battery life rather than performance. I agree that if you need encryption you just need encryption and that's the end of it but it's still awkward if your laptop dies a little sooner because of it.
I also note no difference in performance with Lion/FileVault on my 2009 or late 2010 MacBook Airs (but don't use my Time Machine with either).
I also note no difference in performance with Lion/FileVault on my 2009 or late 2010 MacBook Airs (but don't use my Time Machine with either).
I also note no difference in performance with Lion/FileVault on my 2009 or late 2010 MacBook Airs (but don't use my Time Machine with either).
I also note no difference in performance with Lion/FileVault on my 2009 or late 2010 MacBook Airs (but don't use my Time Machine with either).
I also note no difference in performance with Lion/FileVault on my 2009 or late 2010 MacBook Airs (but don't use my Time Machine with either).