Getting Your Act Together with OmniFocus (Sponsor)

This week, MacSparky is sponsored by OmniFocus, the best task management application for the Mac, iPad, and iPhone. I use OmniFocus every day to stay on top of my commitments and avoid being a flake. Designed by the Omni Group’s crack team of programmers, UI designers, and artists, OmniFocus is super-flexible while at the same time being powerful enough to handle just about anything, even crazy people that simultaneously run law practices, podcasts, and publishing businesses. 

OmniFocus had a great 2017 with lots of new features and the app is easier than ever on iPhone and iPad, taking full advantage of all of the iOS 11 goodies. Just this morning I was sitting in Starbucks and dragging emails over to OmniFocus on my iPad creating email-linked tasks and feeling like I was living in the future.

As we head into the new year, this is a great time to make the switch to OmniFocus. Hit the ground running on 2018 with OmniFocus at your back and just see how much you can pull off next year.

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