More Vision Pro Environments, Please

I frequently use environments in Vision Pro, which is one of the device’s best features. They can give you a context shift that is only possible with Vision Pro. I wish there were more of them.

Related to this, the Disney+ application got a nice addition with a new immersive environment in Iceland which was created by National Geographic, one of the Disney companies. It looks fantastic inside Vision Pro and again raises the question of why these environments are all bottled up inside individual applications. Apple needs to release more system-wide environments. I expect these app-based environments are similar enough to system-wide environments that we could have some donation-based system where I could use Disney’s Iceland outside the Disney+ application.

Of course, this would require some work on Apple’s part and agreement on the part of the app developers, but why wouldn’t they? If there is a technical limitation preventing this, my advice to Apple is to solve it. If there is a pride limitation on allowing third-party applications to donate environments, I advise Apple to get over it.

I know for a fact Apple has at least one middle-aged user who would love nothing better than to work in Apple Notes while sitting in the driver’s seat of his virtual Landspeeder. Why not bring him a little joy?