While Apple has been in the HomeKit game for many years, thus far they have shied away from making HomeKit products like locks and cameras. If the rumors are to be believed, that’s going to change over the next few years. Apple is rumored to be planning its own set of HomeKit cameras including a doorbell camera. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have other products on the drawing board as well. The question is: Why is Apple getting into this game now?
Apple normally doesn’t enter a space unless they have something to distinguish themselves from the competition. In this case, my guess is privacy. There have been a lot of stories about vendors mismanaging home security data and video feeds through a combination of mismanagement and malice. With its size and focus on privacy, Apple is in a unique position to make HomeKit accessories we can trust to put in our homes. Ideally, Apple would pair this move with a rebirth of their AirPort wireless routers to offer consumers the entire widget. And if Apple is getting into this game, I’d argue it’s because they can offer a level of consumer privacy not currently available.