First the Swag…
I’ve received several emails from readers asking me about the Audioengine AW1 Wireless Adapter I recently reviewed. Well guess what? The folks at Audioengine have agreed to give away two of them to Macsparky readers. This isn’t one of *those* contests. I promise. All you have to do is head over to Audioengine and look at the AW1 Wireless Adapter. Then post a comment to this thread explaining what you would do with a free AW1 Wireless Adapter. I can’t wait to see what ideas everyone has for this great product. Please just one entry per person. This contest is only available to people with a United States shipping address (sorry).
On Friday February 29 (yes.. leap year day), I’ll randomly select two names and announce the winners. Audioengine will then ship the winners their free AW-1. See? Easy! No DNA sample required and no “discussion” about the benefits of timeshares.
“But wait … there’s more…”
Audioengine also agreed to give a 10% discount off all of their products to readers using the “Macsparky” discount code. So if you’ve been looking for some outstanding desktop speakers, a floor shaking subwoofer, or (like me) lusting after the shelftop A5’s, now is your moment. Carpe diem.
A further note regarding the contest…
A few people have written me confused on how to enter. All you have to do is put a comment below and leave an email that finds you if you win. I’m going to make a list of all the comments (removing duplicate entries), then number the list, then randomly generate two numbers and those two are the winners. Rather than do the usual “email me” contest, I thought it would be more fun for everyone to post. This is a unique product and I’ve already got several new ideas on how to use it from your posts.
The winners are picked Friday (contest closes 9pm pacific on Friday) and the winners are announced on Saturday. Good luck!
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