I’ve never read many comics but this year I trekked down to San Diego with some friends and saw the Comic-Con event for the first time. It was a good time. Everyone was very nice and all were proud to show off their costumes. I’ve let my Flickr stream die so here are some pics of interest.

“So Say We All!”

Lou Ferigno would not look at me no matter how much I asked.

I was 8 when Star Wars first came out. You don’t let that stuff go easy.

Beware! Corellians shoot first.

Original Tron Costume.

There is nothing shy about the people who dress up at Comic-Con. They are really in their element.

Not sure who they are but they really liked posing.

Even Trekkies must eat.

Is it just me or does Batman look like he is enjoying this?

I found Waldo!

This is just wrong.
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