I decided to change the server Friday night and here I am on Sunday night with the new server live. I’m actually quite impressed with myself. Like all great feats however (and this is a quite an accomplishment for me), there were many people responsible for this happening. Especially the following:
Gabe Wilson
My pal Gabe Wilson, convinced me it was actually possible for someone as clueless about internet servers as myself to pull this off. Gabe also turned me on to a Dreamhost.com which leads to big helper #2.
This web hosting service rocks. They are very cheap and offer tons of bandwidth and storage. Not only that, they increase over time. They are giving me an additional gig of space per week. Most importantly, these guys are super helpful. When I was having that “Oh c*^p, what have I got myself into” moment Friday night, I emailed them and they completely took over. They got my wordpress blog transferred onto the server and helped me through all the tweaks. Quite often my emails were replied to in less than thirty minutes. Frankly, I can’t imagine any better customer service.
Darren Rolfe
Darren is my graphics Sensei. The new three column format didn’t jive with my old banner. No problem, Darren fixed it in about thirty minutes. If you ever need a graphic artist, or just want to have a fun, go visit Darren at MacWingnut.
The Rest of the Gang
I received some very helpful emails and comments from readers. Thank you all. Also, my family let me spend the day on the couch, watching football, and tweaking the new site. Thanks Gang!
For those of you who read me via RSS please make sure to reset your feed. Now that I’ve got the basics up I’ll continue to refine it a bit. I am also going to be moving the podcast feed to this site and off Podbean. I’m getting requests for different formats of the screencasts (i.e. Apple TV, etc..) Now I have the bandwidth to pull it off. Anyway, I’ll continue to try and make it better for everyone.
Technorati Tags:
MacSparky, os x, dreamhost.com
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