The Next Labs Focus Session (MacSparky Labs)

Our first Focus Session was a big success, so we’re doing another one on December 29, 2022 at 9:00 AM Pacific. If you’re not familiar with these Focus Sessions, they are a time where a group of us commit to showing up and working on our independent projects but at the same time connected on a zoom call to give us some sense of accountability. Having done our first session last week, I can tell you it works…

This is a post for MacSparky Labs Tier 2 (Backstage) and Tier 3 (Early Access) Members only. Care to join? Or perhaps do you need to sign in?

Contextual Spaces and Window Management Tricks (MacSparky Labs)

Here’s a walkthrough on how I’m using Spaces these days. I like to keep different contexts in different spaces. For example, all of my communications apps are in one Space so I only see those when I actually want to work on communications. Either way, here are my thoughts on context-based spaces and a bunch of tricks to manipulate Spaces and window location using some clever BetterTouchTool scripts.

Chapter Markers
0:00 Introduction 
0:14 Sparky’s Spaces Strategy
1:13 Moving between spaces
2:14 Moving Apps Between Spaces with BTT
3:50 Jump to a Specific Space with BTT
5:22 Move window to a Specific Space with BTT
6:26 Advice and Conclusion

Geek Meter (1-3)
Level 2
This isn’t hard once you wrap your head around the idea of contextual spaces. The script writing bits are trivial in BetterTouchTool and this video shows you how to build them yourself.

More on Using AI (MacSparky Labs)

Happy Monday! We’re experiencing some rain here in Southern California, which always makes us pretty happy. Last week the Internet blew up over AI. I wrote a post for my public newsletter Friday explaining that you should neither view AI as your savior nor your enemy. Instead, if used correctly, it’s another computer-based tool to help you be more productive. It will make mediocre work easier, but it can also help you do superior work. I got many emails asking how I’m using AI right now. While I’m still figuring out process-based AI (which helps you plan your day), I am writing today about content-based AI (where you ask a question and it gives you a response).… This is a post for MacSparky Labs Members only. Care to join? Or perhaps do you need to sign in?