“Distraction Control” in iOS 18

We recently received beta 5 of iOS 18, which includes a new distraction feature called “Distraction Control.” This feature lets you hide distracting elements on web pages, like sign-in pop-ups and content overlays. It is not an ad blocker and does not permanently remove items, but it can be used to hide elements while you are reading a page. In short, it makes things less distracting.

I’d love to know the story behind features like this and Focus Modes. Clearly, there are some advocates at Apple for the problems, including features that combat the focus and distraction issues inherent in a smartphone. Indeed, Apple has been the best player among the big technology companies in tackling this in their devices, so much so that they get the ire of the advertising industry and Facebook aimed at them on occasion.

What we haven’t got is a clear statement from Apple on this issue, the same way we did on Apple’s privacy stance, declaring privacy a “human right.” Apple has not been so explicit concerning focus and distraction. Instead, we get these occasional features that pop up and help us.

I would like for Apple to be more declarative about the issue of distraction and focus. They are best placed to do so, and their words could impact this issue industry-wide. Moreover, it would be an excellent sales point for Apple devices over others.