John Siracusa returns to the Mac Power Users this week to talk about his favorite workflows and apps. We also spend some time getting John’s opinion about where the Mac is and where it is heading. I particularly enjoyed John’s thoughts about how there is plenty of room for macOS to get better.
Posts Tagged → mac power users
MPU 414 – This is What I Got
In the latest MPU+, Katie shares her struggles with APFs and High Sierra, and I explain a few workflow changes related to OmniFocus defer dates and my hyper-scheduling experiment. We also answer listener questions relating to photo albums on the Apple TV, how we’re using Evernote today, and tech organization. We follow-up new developments in home automation, scheduling, Qi Charging and more.
Sponsors include:
- PDFpen from Smile With powerful PDF editing tools, available for Mac, iPad, and iPhone, PDFpen from Smile makes you a Mac Power User.
- 1Password Have you ever forgotten a password? Now you don’t have to worry about that anymore. Save up to 20% using this link.
- The Omni Group We’re passionate about productivity for Mac, iPhone and iPad.
- Sanebox Stop drowning in email!
MPU 413 – iPad Productivity
I somehow forgot to link to this episode this week. Whoops. I really like the way this episode came out where we picked several categories of work that we get done on the iPad and explaind our favorite apps and workflows for getting it done.
MPU 412 – Stephen Hacket Returns
This week on the Mac Power Users, Stephen Hackett returns to talk about his transition into video production, Internet automation, his home studio, audio and video gear, a new iMac and more.
Sponsors Include:
- PDFpen from Smile With powerful PDF editing tools, available for Mac, iPad, and iPhone, PDFpen from Smile makes you a Mac Power User.
- Fracture Bring your photos to life.
- Postbox: The Power Email App
- Timing: The automatic time tracking app for macOS. Use code mpu to save 10% on your purchase.
MPU 411 – A Pretty Good Year
In the latest episode of Mac Power Users, as we wrap up 2017 we take a look back at the workflows that worked for us in 2017 including paperless practice, writing workflows, cloud storage, hiring help and more. We also discuss the practices we intend to change in 2018, and gaze into the crystal ball and look at what we may expect from Apple in the year to come.
Sponsors include:
- Freshbooks: Online invoicing made easy.
- 1Password Have you ever forgotten a password? Now you don’t have to worry about that anymore. Save up to 20% using this link.
- The Omni Group We’re passionate about productivity for Mac, iPhone and iPad.
- Sanebox Stop drowning in email!
MPU 409 – Holiday Tech
“Deck the Halls with Ones and Zeroes.”
In this episode, we break down all the ways to use your technology for the holidays including smart decorations, streaming audio (and David’s Yule playlist), managing parties with tech, recommended family-friendly Apple TV games, David’s holiday card production workflow and Katie’s envelope hacks, tracking gift giving, and setting up your network for visiting relatives and friends.
Sponsored include:
- 1Password Have you ever forgotten a password? Now you don’t have to worry about that anymore.
- Squarespace: Make your next move. Enter offer code MPU at checkout to get 10% off your first purchase.
- Jamf Now: Manage your Apple devices from anywhere. Get your first three devices free!
- Freshbooks: Online invoicing made easy.
MPU 408: Disaster Preparedness
This week’s MPU episode, which we recorded just days before the latest California wildfires, is all about emergencies and your technology. In additiona to disaster preparedness, this episode also covers personal emergencies, accident or illness, technology failures and even happy emergencies.
Sponsors include:
- Eero: Never think about WiFi again. Use code MPU for free overnight shipping.
- TextExpander from Smile Type more with less effort! Expand short abbreviations into longer bits of text, even fill-ins, with TextExpander from Smile.
- 1Password Have you ever forgotten a password? Now you don’t have to worry about that anymore. Save up to 20% using this link.
- Making Light Get (or give!) a candle subscription and make some new habits. Use offer code MPU10 to save $10 on a new subscription
Mac Power Users 407 – Shahid Kamal Ahmad
In this week’s episode of Mac Power Users, game developer and all-around-geek Shahid Kamal Ahmad joins us to talk about Apple hardware, software, and workflows.
Mac Power Users 406 – It’s Okay to Enjoy Both
The latest episode of Mac Power Users is live. Gabe Weatherhead joins us to talk about his months-long experiment with the iPad Pro. We also tackle listener questions on dealing with spam, scheduling appointments, hard drive best practices, finding deals, traveling with a Mac, and Katie shares her thoughts on Star Trek Discovery.
2017 MPU Hoodie and Shirt
It’s been a few years since we did any merchandise at the Mac Power Users so we’ve teamed up with the Cotton Bureau on these really great looking hoodies and shirts. The hoodie features an embroidered MPU Battery logo and can keep you warm through the winter. The zipper was at my specific request because nobody likes to wrestle themselves out of a pull-over hoodie. The T-shirt also features the MPU Battery, but its bigger and it glows in the dark. That’s right. My podcast officially has a glow-in-the-dark shirt. According to 8-year-old me, I’ve officially made it.
We really wanted these products to be of good quality and I think Cotton Bureau’s going to really deliver. There’s a pretty short window here. Sales end December 3, so place your orders now.