MPU 375 – More Big Questions

This week on Mac Power Users we cover some big questions including the Workflow app, secure cloud storage, email sharing, moving data, managing your network, and how they scan. Also, we learn that under no circumstances will I ever get access to Katie’s Synology.

Sponsors include:

  • Making Light Get (or give!) a candle subscription and make some new habits. Use offer code “MPU”.
  • PDFpen from Smile With powerful PDF editing tools, available for Mac, iPad, and iPhone, PDFpen from Smile makes you a Mac Power User.
  • Squarespace: Make your next move. Enter offer code MPU at checkout to get 10% off your first purchase.
  • Freshbooks: Online invoicing made easy.


MPU 372 – Workflows with Dr. Drang

This week our favorite snowman returns to the Mac Power Users. We discuss the evolving definition of “pro” and “power user” as well as new workflows for managing text, creative uses for Keyboard maestro, managing Apple Mail and the Doc dives into the iPad.

Sponsored include:

  • 1Password Have you ever forgotten a password? Now you don’t have to worry about that anymore. Save up to 20% using this link.
  • The Omni Group We’re passionate about productivity for Mac, iPhone and iPad. 
  • MindNode MindNode makes mind mapping easy.
  • Eero: Blanket your home in fast, reliable WiFi.

MPU 370 – Sal Soghoian Talks Automation

This week we’re joined by long time Automation evangelist and former Apple Automation head, Sal Soghoian. This is a very special episode of the Mac Power Users where we discuss the current state of automation technologies on the Mac and iOS and where we’d like to see them go in the future.

Sponsors Include:

  • 1Password Have you ever forgotten a password? Now you don’t have to worry about that anymore. Save up to 20% using this link.
  • The Omni Group They’re passionate about productivity for Mac, iPhone and iPad. 
  • Fujitsu ScanSnap ScanSnap helps you live a more productive, efficient, paperless life. 
  • Squarespace: Make your next move. Enter offer code MPU at checkout to get 10% off your first purchase.

MPU 367 – Getting Productive with Michael Hyatt

This week we’re joined by New York Times best-selling author Michael Hyatt to share ideas about technology and productivity.

Sponsors include:

  • Squarespace: Make your next move. Enter offer code MPU at checkout to get 10% off your first purchase.
  • TextExpander from Smile Type more with less effort! Expand short abbreviations into longer bits of text, even fill-ins, with TextExpander from Smile.
  • 1Password Have you ever forgotten a password? Now you don’t have to worry about that anymore. 
  • Pixelmator Powerful image editing that gives you everything you need to create, edit and enhance your images, now on iPad and Mac.

MPU 365 – Maps and More

It took us 365 episodes but Katie and I finally got to an indepth look at at the available mapping and navigation options for your Apple gear.

This episode is sponsored by:

  • TextExpander from Smile Type more with less effort! Expand short abbreviations into longer bits of text, even fill-ins, with TextExpander from Smile.
  • Gazelle Sell your iPhone for cash at Gazelle! 
  • Marketcircle We help small business grow with great Mac, iPhone and iPad apps including Daylight and Billings Pro.
  • Sanebox Stop drowning in email