MPU Plus: A Christmas Wish

We just published a feedback show at the Mac Power Users.Topics include direct attached storage, auto-mounting volumes, iPad mini vs. Pro, recording Keynote presentations, using WeMo and MyQ with HomeKit and feedback on managing subscriptions, gift ideas and the new MacBook Pro.

Sponsors include:

  • The Omni Group We’re passionate about productivity for Mac, iPhone and iPad. 
  • MindNode MindNode makes mind maping easy.
  • Casper: Because everyone deserves a great night sleep. Get $50 off with the code ‘MPU’

MPU: Setting Up Your New Mac

On this week’s Mac Power Users episode, Katie and I walk through all the steps necessary to set up your brand-new Macintosh.

Sponsors include:

  • Squarespace: Enter offer code MPU at checkout to get 10% off your first purchase.
  • Pearl RearVision: The wireless backup camera redefined.
  • PDFpen from Smile With powerful PDF editing tools, available for Mac, iPad, and iPhone, PDFpen from Smile makes you a Mac Power User.
  • Making Light Get (or give!) a candle subscription and make some new habits. Use offer code “MPU”.

MPU: Workflows with Ian Byrd

Ian Byrd is a former teacher, a professional speaker, and a friend. Ian joined us this week to share his workflows and tips for giving full-day lectures and workshops, writing, video production, and more.

Sponsors include:

  • MacPaw: Get a 30% discount on all of MacPaw’s must-have Mac Apps on Cyber Monday – November 28, 2016!
  • 1Password Have you ever forgotten a password? Now you don’t have to worry about that anymore. Save up to 20% using this link.
  • MindNode MindNode makes mind maping easy.




Mac Power Users 2016 Geek Gift Guide

We had some great picks on this week’s 2016 Mac Power Users Geek Gift show. Listen now so you can put your requests in while your family members are in their post-turkey stupor on Thursday.

Sponsors inclue:

  • The Omni Group They’re passionate about productivity for Mac, iPhone and iPad. 
  • Automatic The connected car company that improves your driving and integrates your car into yoru digital life. Enter code MACPOWER to get 20% off your purchase. 
  • Making Light Get (or give!) a candle subscription and make some new habits. Use offer code “MPU”.

MPU 350: Accessibility Workflows with Shelly Brisbin

This week the Mac Power Users hit a small milestone (350 episodes) and we celebrated by inviting Shelly Brisbin to bring us up to date on accessibility for Mac and iOS. Shelly is super-informed on this subject and this is worth listening to even if you don’t necessarily need any accessibility features.

Sponsors include:

  • Eero: Blanket your home in fast, reliable WiFi. Use code MPU for free overnight shipping.
  • TextExpander from Smile Type more with less effort! Expand short abbreviations into longer bits of text, even fill-ins, with TextExpander from Smile.
  • Marketcircle We help small business grow with great Mac, iPhone and iPad apps including Daylight and Billings Pro.

MPU 349: MPU+, A Corn-u-copia of Nerdiness

This month’s MPU Feedback show includes more on the iCloud vs. Dropbox debate, macOS Sierra, more on the new MacBook Pro, and Katie is super-excited about her VESA mount.

Sponsored include:

  • Casper: Because everyone deserves a great night sleep. Get $50 off with the code ‘MPU’
  • 1Password Have you ever forgotten a password? Now you don’t have to worry about that anymore. 
  • The Omni Group We’re passionate about productivity for Mac, iPhone and iPad. 
  • Sanebox Stop drowning in email!

MPU 347 – The New MacBooks

Katie and I recorded one of our rare news-related shows today with MPU 347 concerning the Apple “Hello Again” event and our thoughts about the new MacBooks. Katie ordered one and I’m sitting this one out while I bask in my iPad Pro bliss. There’s a lot of good discussion in this show including an extended debate over which MacBook you should buy given the existing lines. We went ahead and released this one early so there won’t be a show on Sunday night.

Sponsors include:

  • 1Password Have you ever forgotten a password? Now you don’t have to worry about that anymore. 
  • The Omni Group They’re passionate about productivity for Mac, iPhone and iPad. 
  • Fracture Bring your photos to life.

MPU 346 – Workflows with Casey Liss

Casey Liss is a podcaster and app developer. He’s also a class act. This week he joins us on Mac Power Users to discuss his best tools and workflows to get things done. Casey, as a fairly recent dad, also explains the current state of baby technology. This one was a lot of fun to record.

Sponsors Include:

  • The Omni Group They’re passionate about productivity for Mac, iPhone, and iPad. 
  • Fujitsu ScanSnap ScanSnap Helps You Live a More Productive, Efficient, Paperless Life. 
  • Sanebox Stop drowning in email!
  • MindNode MindNode makes mind maping easy.


MPU 345 – iCloud vs. Dropbox for File Storage

Starting in March I began running experiments with using iCloud vs. Dropbox for cloud-based file storage. This week’s episode of Mac Power Users reports in my findings. We’re also joined by David Chartier, who recently switched from Dropbox to iCloud. I could tell you which service I ultimately chose but where’s the drama in that?

Sponsors include:

  • TextExpander from Smile Type more with less effort! Expand short abbreviations into longer bits of text, even fill-ins, with TextExpander from Smile.
  • Fracture Bring your photos to life.
  • Casper: Because everyone deserves a great night sleep. Get $50 off with the code ‘MPU’
  • Squarespace: Enter offer code MPU at checkout to get 10% off your first purchase.

All Podcasts. All the Time.

If you’ve been missing my dulcet tones, I’ve got several new podcasts:

The Productivity Podcast with Paul Minors

Paul Minors has a great productivity minded podcast. On it I talked about some of my own personal workflows and my thoughts on “productivity” in general.

MPU 343: Workflows with Serenity Caldwell

iMore writer and artist Serenity Caldwell joins the Mac Power Users to talk about the iPad, Mac, the new iPhone, and artist workflows.

MPU 344: Hello, Computer

The “Live” show has been renamed MPU+. We discuss what to do with Macs that Sierra has left behind, the problem with “free” software, Network vs. Direct Attached storage, listeners share their feedback on Amazon and tips for using Ulysses and Scrivener. We also learn how to print to PDF from Apple Mail and much more.