MPU 316: Locking Down Your Technology

There seem to be a lot of shenanigans lately with other people trying to get at your personal information. In this week’s episode Katie and I explain how to lock up your Apple technology. My thanks to this weeks Mac Power Users sponsors.

  • Igloo: An intranet you’ll actually like, free for up to 10 people.
  • PDFpen from Smile With powerful PDF editing tools, available for Mac, iPad, and iPhone, PDFpen from Smile makes you a Mac Power User.
  • 1Password Have you ever forgotten a password? Now you don’t have to worry about that anymore. 
  • The Omni Group We’re passionate about productivity for Mac, iPhone and iPad.

Catching up with MPU

We’ve posted a few Mac Power Users episodes since I last checked in on the subject:

MPU 315: Best of the Menu Bar

Over the years we’ve received lots of email asking about what are those applications in our menubars. This episode goes over something like 20 of them and why we love them. This episode will probably cost you a few bucks.

Sponsors are:

  • Audible: With over 180,000 audiobooks, you’ll find what you’re looking for. Get a free 30-day trial.
  • Gazelle Sell your iPhone for cash at Gazelle!
  • SaneboxStop drowning in email!
  • Fracture Bring your photos to life.

MPU 314: The Trials and Tribulations of Katie’s iPad

This is our monthly live episode filled with feedback and an interview with Joe Buhlig about the importance of task review.

Sponsors are:

  • Linode: High performance SSD Linux servers for all of your infrastructure needs. Get a $20 credit with promo code ‘mpu20’
  • Casper: Because everyone deserves a great night sleep. Get $50 off with the code ‘MPU’
  • 1Password Have you ever forgotten a password? Now you don’t have to worry about that anymore. 
  • Fujitsu ScanSnap ScanSnap Helps You Live a More Productive, Efficient, Paperless Life.



MPU 310: One Year Indie with Jason Snell

This week’s episode of Mac Power Users is live and it’s a good one. Jason Snell joins us and the two of us reflect on what we’ve both learned after being self employed for a year. 

Also, there are some hiccups with the feed for Mac Power Users for some of our long-time subscribers. If you don’t see this episode in your feed. 

To fix things, you need to delete the old feed and resubscribe to the current feed. Here are links that will help you do that:

For step-by-step instructions, click here. Thanks.

MPU 308: Workflows with Ben Thompson

Ben Thompson runs a successful publishing business from Asia largely using Apple technology. This week he joined us on the Mac Power Users to talk about how business strategy impacts technology, living and working in Asia and global views on the mobile market, and the upcoming March 2016 Apple event.

MPU 306: Tackling Contacts

There’s probably only one podcast in the world where the hosts can spend an hour and a half talking about contacts and still feel like they ran out of time. I’m talking of course about the Mac Power Users.

This week’s episode goes in detail on how to manage contacts on your Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Contacts are more difficult than they should be and there are a lot of good tips, ideas, and application recommendations in this one.

Mac Power Users Bonanza!

I’m behind on linking some of our recent Mac Power Users shows. If you haven’t listened to these three, you’re missing out.

MPU 303: Email Clients and Workflows

Katie and I spent some time talking about how we are handling those pesky email problems with the latest workflows and software recommendations.

MPU 304: Looking for Solution that Doesn’t Cost $1,000

Our February live show had some great topics including follow-up on interesting uses of Plex for home media, and discuss Day One 2.0 with guest Bradley Chambers.

MPU 305: Travel Tips with Amateur Traveler Chris Christensen

Chris Christensen came in with some great tips for how to get the best airfare and hotel prices on your next trip. He also had some excellent tips on how to avoid technology disasters on the road.