Episode 300 today at 2pm PST

Today Katie and I are celebrating a milestone with the Mac Power Users when we record episode 300 at 2pm PST. You can tune in for the live feed right here. For the first time, we are turning the show over to someone else. Myke and Stephen will be questioning us with listener questions. (Just tweet them out with #mpu300 attached.) It should be fun and we’d love to have you in the live audience.

Double Dose of Mac Power Users

This week I’ve got two episodes of MPU to share:

1. MPU 293 – It Kinda is Rocket Science
PhD Physics Student Chelsea Cook (yes .. that one) joins us to talk about the state of accessibility on iOS. We also discuss Family Sharing and how it may not be right for all families and answer listener questions on a variety of topics.

2. MPU 294 – Workflows with Mike Vardy
Mike Vardy of the Productivityist drops by to chat about getting work done on his iPad Mini workflows, presentations, making over meetings, virtual assistants, and productivity through simplicity.

Both of these episodes are gems. Enjoy.

MPU 291: Focussing on iPad

There have been several developments in the iPad world as of late so Katie and I spent some time talking about where the iPad fits, which one you should use, and some of our own personal workflows. I also spend some time discussing my new giganto-pad.

MPU 288 and 289: MPU Live and Apple TV

A few episodes of MPU have gone live over the last few says while I’ve been galavanting around the State of Florida.

MPU 289 – The New Apple TV

Katie and I both bought the new Apple TV and then used them a week before recording the show. We talk about what works and what doesn’t along with some of our favorite Apple TV Apps.

MPU 288 – Traveling to the Land of Crocodiles and Alligators

This live shows includes follow-up on keyboard launchers, note applications, listener tips, our new gear, and a live interview from a virtual assistant.