Katie and I frequently get asked to share our favorite apps for setting up a new Mac. This week’s Mac Power Users episode answers this question as we explain our 10 favorite apps and 10 favorite utilities. We also take time to stop and explain a tip or two with each pick. Enjoy.
Posts Tagged → mac power users
MPU 237: Workflows with John Siracusa
In this weeks Mac Power Users episode, John Siracusa joins us to talk about his J-O-B job, his new iPhone and the pesky problem of iTunes.
MPU 235: Workflows with Stephen Hackett
This week Stephen Hackett of 512pixles.net joins us to discuss his previous life as an Apple Genius, how he juggles a day job, Relay.fm and being Editor-in-Chief of the Sweet setup with his family life, his love of old Macs, and more.
Mac Power Users 233: Family Tech Support
In episode 233, Katie and I go over tools and workflows to serve as family tech support. Get it while it’s hot.
MPU 230: Getting More from PDF
Katie and I have been talking about doing a PDF show since … well … the beginning of Mac Power Users. This week, we’re joined by Ernie Svenson and we go deep on using the PDF format for fun and profit.
MPU 229: I Don’t Do the Costanza Thing
The latest Mac Power Users Live episode is up. In it, we touch base with Todd Olthoff to talk about OS X Server under Yosemite, follow-up on iOS Apps, Email and answer listener questions about NAS, home media center, preserving family memories and more.
MPU 228: Rocket Science with Skip Owens
In this week’s episode we’re joined by NASA rocket scientist Skip Owens, who explains how he uses his Mac to send spacecraft to Mars and cook dinner for his family, simultaneously.
MPU 227: Home Screens
Episode 227 of the Mac Power User is up. In it, Katie and I talk about what apps make the cut for our home screens and notification center widgets. Also, this is the one where I discovered I am more anal-retentive than Katie. Who’d of thunk?
MPU 226: Workflows with Manton Reece
Programmer, podcaster, and man-about-town Manton Reece joins us this week to talk about creating Mac and iOS apps, Twitter and App.net, collaborating with others and more.
MPU 223: It’s So Choice
Got some downtime this weekend? MPU 223 is out. In it Mike Rohde joins us to talk about his new book, the Sketchnote Workbook. We also discuss my fancy new iMac, academic workflows, goal setting, security, and share listener tips and answer questions.