MPU 177: Workflows with Gabe Weatherhead

In this week’s episode, Gabe Weatherhead joins us to talk about being a Mac geek in a PC office, DEVONThink, and automation. It’s a great episode. As an aside, there was a limited problem with the feed where some people didn’t get this show. (This was particularly a problem for DownCast users.) Please make certain 177 is in your feed.

MPU 176: Everyday Automation and MPU Live

This week’s episode of the Mac Power users is out. In it Katie and I share some of our favorite automation tips.

We’ve also decided to add an extra show to the schedule every month where we’ll be dealing with listener feedback, doing some listener questions and mini workflow interviews and field a chat room while we record. We’re calling it MPU Live and we are going to do it at 10AM PST on the first Saturday of each month starting with March 1, 2014. If you’ve got something to share with us, send it in. 

MPU 174: GarageBand for Everyone Plus Macworld 2014

I’ve always felt that everyone that gets a new Mac or iPad should kick the tires in GarageBands regardless of their musical talent or experience. In this week’s episode, Chris Breen joins us to talk about using Garage Band for making ringtones, playing with loops, learning an instrument, recording a song, and more.

At the end, Paul Kent joins us to talk about Macworld 2014, where you can meet Chris Breen, Katie, myself, and thousands of other Apple geeks.

MPU 171: Photo Management

This week Bradley Chambers joins Katie and me as we talk through some of the best solutions for photo management. This is a problem I’ve been dealing with at home for awhile now and I’m pretty happy with my current solution (though I’d much prefer Apple to solve this for me).


My Dulcet Tones

This week I showed up in not one, but two podcasts:

MPU 168

We often collect topics that aren’t worth getting their own show but at the same time bigger than a few minutes of feedback. We did this in episode 168 with a variety of topics including iPad styli, cable cutting, offsite backup, and home sound systems. I also spent ten minutes explaining how I brew tea. Katie’s disdain for this topic was both palpable and delightful all at once.

Coaching For Leaders 119

Dave Stachowiak was kind enough to let me guest on his show where I talked about email and productivity in general. It was a lot of fun and Dave produces a great show.


MPU 165: Geek Gift Guide – 2013 Edition

Looking for something geeky for your friends or even perhaps yourself? Katie and I had a lot of fun recording this show sharing some of our favorite geek gifts. Well … most of it was fun. I think Katie fell asleep when I started waxing poetic about my authentic Indiana Jones satchel.