Mac Power Users Show 150 Live this Saturday


Can you believe the Mac Power Users are about to record show 150? Katie and I will be broadcasting live this Saturday at 10am PST in a very special Mac Power Users where I confront my growing Sonos addition and some of our smartest listeners join in with some workflows that will knock you out of your socks.

Mark you calendars for Saturday, August 10, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern/10:00 a.m. Pacific. We’ll streaming live on 5by5 so you can join us in the 5by5 chatroom or listen on the 5by5 apps for iOS and Mac. I’ll see you there.


MPU 149: Read it Later

In episode 149 of the Mac Power Users, Katie and I tackle the growing list of read it later services covering what we like (and dislike) about each of them along with a discussion of unconventional alternatives for all of you rebels out there. 

1 Billion Podcasts


Yesterday afternoon Apple announced 1 billion podcast subscriptions through iTunes. Billion. With a “B”. I take pride in the fact Katie Floyd and I added a little dent to that number with the Mac Power Users. Ten years ago I never thought I could talk into a microphone about things that *nobody around me* cares about and hear back from appreciative listeners all over the globe.

MPU 144: Workflows with Chris Breen

This week Chris Breen joined the Mac Power Users. Chris is a professional musician and  writes for Macworld. During this episode, Chris talks about the way he handles project management on a day-to-day basis, some great writing workflows, and music.