MPU 143: RSS after Google Reader

In Mac Power Users episode 143, Katie and I survey the existing options for RSS following the demise of Google Reader. The good news is now that there isn’t a Google monopoly, developers are coming up with some innovative (and better) solutions. Check out this episode to find out what works best for you. 

MPU 142: Apple’s WWDC Announcements

The original “vision” for the Mac Power Users included not discussing news and rumors. We made an exception for this week’s WWDC which had many new announcements relating to how both Katie and I see using our Macs, iPads, and iPhones in the future. Episode 142 is, therefore, up and ahead of schedule. I know this episode is different for us but I think it came out pretty good. The first few minutes of the episode also includes an interview with Jean MacDonald with an update of her App Camp For Girls project. 

MPU 141: Travel with Alex Lindsay

This week’s episode of the Mac Power Users features an interview with Alex Lindsay. Alex travels 250,000 miles a year and has some great ideas for traveling with technology. Alex is also has some really interesting projects going on including a visual effects school he helped establish in Rwanda. This episode is a good one.


Podcasting: MPU 140 and the MacCast

Mac Power Users 140 is live. In this week’s episode, Katie and I blow through a lot of feedback. The outline was far-reaching including security, automation, writing, and a rapidfire section that covered a variety of topics. While this sounds boring, I think there was a lot of good content in the show.

Also, I guested on Adam Christianson’s MacCast where he asked me to pretend I was in charge of Apple and give my WWDC keynote announcement. I fell into the role like I was Sir Laurence Olivier. I even wore hipster clothes while I recorded. You may be surprised by my big announcement.

MPU 139: Workflows with Ethan Schoonover

This week Ethan Schoonover joins us to talk about his workflows. In addition to creating amazing things I use, like Solarized and, a few years ago, Kinkless GTD, Ethan is smart, curious, and charming. In this episode, he talks about how he gets work done as a professional graphic designer and how he has tricked out his home using a Mac mini to create an entertainment and security system. Enjoy.

MPU 138: Syncing and Sharing

After 4 years, Katie and I go back to the subject of syncing data on this week’s Mac Power Users episode. In it, we cover the relative merits of Dropbox and iCloud and also expand the discussion to syncing all sorts of data between Macs and iOS devices. This is also the episode where Katie threatens to eviscerate me with a Klingon pointy-sword.