Mac Power Users 134 is up. In it, Katie and I explain some of our favorite Mac utilities and how we use them. Be prepared. This one might get expensive.
Posts Tagged → mac power users
MPU 133: Alfred 2
After many years using LaunchBar, Katie and I have both been spending time with the recent release of Alfred 2, the keyboard launcher (and much more) for the Mac. I’ve officially switched. We share our experiences with this very clever new application and explain what we like (and don’t like) about it. We also walk through how to use the app and the addition of workflows, clever user-created plug ins that make the app really useful.
MPU 132: Merlin Returns
One of my favorite shows every year on the Mac Power Users is the workflow interview with Merlin Mann. Merlin is a friend and was the very first workflow guest on the show. This year’s episode delivers in spades. We talk about how we use Evernote, GTD in 2013, the iPad, Podcasting, and Merlin’s favorite Apps. Enjoy.
MPU 131: Markdown Revisited
In episode 131 of the Mac Power Users, Eddie Smith joins us to talk about how Markdown is no longer just for geeks. We also talk about a book you may have heard of but I we don’t hard sell it. (At least we tried not to.) Finally, we spend some time on the challenges faced collaborating on a rich-media book and the tools and workflows we used to get there.
MPU 130: Computing with Kids
This week’s Mac Power Users episode include guest Natali Morris and we talk about the challenges of raising children around technology. Natali is really smart and had some great ideas.
MPU 129: Workflows with Lex Friedman
I really like Lex Friedman. He’s a bit of a nerd (like me) but also the more I get to know him, the more I realize what a quality person he is. Learn all about his Mac and iOS workflows (and even a little bit about his Windows phone experiment) on this week’s Mac Power users episode.
MPU 128: Typography with Ina Saltz
I’ve wanted to do a typography show for ages but never found the right guest. Fortunately, I recently did with Ina Saltz, who was knowledgeable, helpful, and patient as I butchered my way through the interview. There are lots of great tips for upping your typography game in this episode.
MPU 127: Workflows with Clayton Morris
Mac Power Users episode 127 is live. In it, we interview broadaster Clayton Morris about his tools and workflows for hosting the Fox and Friends television program along with the details of technology in the home office.
MPU 126: The Home Server Show
In the latest Mac Power Users episode, Shawn Blanc joins us and we talk in detail about setting up your own Mac home server. This isn’t nearly as daunting as you may think it is. It just requires an extra Mac (not necessarily new) and a desire to spend a few hours now to save many hours later.
Cooking Ideas
In the past week, I’ve received several notes complimenting this episode of Mac Power Users. I’m pretty proud of this episode where I explain how I use mind maps and outlines to make things happen.