MPU 123: Workflows with Craig Hockenberry

Craig Hockenberry, a fellow Orange County resident, is one of the premier Mac and iOS programmers. Twitterific, the first Twitter client, was Craig’s brainchild. (He even played a role in coining the term “tweet”.) Anyway, Craig tells us how he works in a company with its employees all over the nation (and world), his creative process, and his recommendations to get started in programming.

MPU 120: Taking Notes with Mike Rohde

This week’s Mac Power Users includes a really fun interview with Mike Rohde. Mike is a UI designer, a nerd, and a super-nice guy. He also just wrote a book, The Sketchnote Handbook, that I’m currently obsessing over. In addition to gushing all over Mike about his new book, we talk about how to takes notes digitally (with a Mac and iPad) and analog with some of Mike’s tools and tricks. It is a really great episode. Check it out.

I’d also recommend picking up Mike’s book if you have any interest in learning a few new tricks with your pencil and pen. I think visually and Mike’s techniques are already helping me out.

MPU118: Resolutions

The latest Mac Power Users episode is live. In it Katie, and I cover some great geek-related resolutions including a tech security audit, using an electronic diary, geek estate planning, locking down social networks, offsite backup, and creating something amazing with an iLife app.

This episode was exclusively sponsored by 1Password.

MPU115: Geek Gift Guide

Having trouble decided what to get that geek in your life or perhaps telling others what you’d like? The Mac Power Users are here to the rescue with this week’s episode, where Katie and I talk about some of our best ideas for geek gifts.

MPU114: Dan Returns

Episode 114 of the Mac Power Users is live. In this show, Dan Benjamin returns to talk about his workflows running the 5by5 network. We also talk about recording hardware and our ongoing struggles with email.