MPU 89: Music Workflows with Johnny Knittle and WWDC After Dark

Mac Power Users Episode 89 went live today. Katie and I interview TV and film composer, Johnny Knittle, who explains how he writes music for several of your favorite television shows with his Mac. Get the episode over at 5by5. If you haven’t already, please subscribe in iTunes.

Also, Katie and I talked for 20 minutes about today’s WWDC announcements and posted it in the 5by5 After Dark feed. Check it out.

OmniFocus Communication Perspective and MPU 78

Kourosh Dini posted an intriguing OmniFocus screencast where he uses a combination of perspectives and TextExpander snippets to track “Waiting for” tasks. I’m not entirely sold (yet) but it is really smart. Also, Kourosh joined me on MPU 78 to talk about his technology workflows. (Kourosh is a physician.) While I started the interview with the best of intentions, we inevitably digressed into an OmniFocus nerd-fest. Get the episode over at 5by5. Also, don’t forget to subscribe in iTunes.