The Apple Ring and Health Tracking

Some rumors are circulating about Apple developing a fitness ring. I don’t know if it’s true, but there is a compelling case for a lighter fitness tracking device, whether it’s a ring or a lightweight bracelet. Because a bracelet would compete with the Apple Watch, it seems more likely to be a ring.

Just a few weeks ago, Apple’s Health VP emphasized the importance of obtaining fitness tracking information while sleeping. Many people wear their Apple Watch to bed, but not everyone does (I try to, but sometimes struggle). Even if only worn at night, a ring could address this issue.

The Sparky Language Model (SLM)

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about artificial intelligence. There are a lot of good uses for it, but the one everyone talks about is writing. People are transfixed by its ability to write college-level essays. As AI technology becomes increasingly sophisticated, more and more people are turning to it for help with everything from drafting emails to generating content for the internet. This repels me. While the efficiency of these tools can’t be denied, I’ve decided to take a different path for anything published under my name, and I want to share why.

Recently, I attended a friend’s wedding. One of the attendees made a moving speech. The speech was so good that I complimented the speaker later, who explained that ChatGPT wrote the speech and they had just read it. This revelation left me profoundly unsettled. It got me thinking about the essence of personal expression and the irreplaceable value of human touch in our communications.

Writing is more than just a means to convey information; it’s a way to connect on a deeply personal level. Whether celebrating a milestone with loved ones or sharing insights in this newsletter, these moments are opportunities to express our unique perspectives and emotions. When we delegate this task to an AI robot, no matter how sophisticated, we lose a piece of that human connection. It feels like a form of erasure — a diminution of our individuality and the personal stamp we leave on our work and the world.

For all MacSparky content, I’ve always aimed to keep things personal. The thoughts, tips, and stories I share are mine. They are crafted from my experiences, not generated from a dataset. While I use technology extensively to enhance productivity and creativity, the words under my name are always my own. I believe this authenticity is something you can’t replicate with algorithms.

Even if we get to a point where the computers do an objectively better job of writing than I can (which can be expected with more time), I still have no interest in it. I am not interested in a better product that is not my product.

I understand the appeal of using AI to lighten our loads; technology is a powerful tool. But there are boundaries that we should navigate thoughtfully. For me, personal expression is one such boundary.

When it comes to writing words, I use an alternative to a LLM (Large Language Model) and I call it the SLM, the Sparky Language Model.

Mac Power Users 755: 700 MB of GIFs

I launched a scholarship program with the Productivity Field Guide, Stephen bought a new e-reader, and we both have spent some time in our Inboxes to bring feedback to Mac Power Users this week

This episode of Mac Power Users is sponsored by:

  • Ecamm: Powerful live streaming platform for Mac. Get 30% off now.
  • Squarespace: Save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code MPU.
  • 1Password: Never forget a password again.

Unread for Mac

I’ve always considered Unread one of the most attractive RSS reader apps. However, there has never been a Mac version. Today marks the release of Unread for Mac. It’s an RSS reader made with taste. It has great typography, themes, search, and compatibility with the usual suspects. I love having this app on my Mac.

Tinderbox 10 Is Here

It seems to be software updates season. Tinderbox version 10 is now available with a new Gaudí view designed to use the screen more efficiently and make brainstorming easier. If you’re unaware, Tinderbox is one of the best thinking and planning apps available for the Mac. I am pleased to see this application continue to get further development and new features.

Tinderbox 10 Gaudí View

The New Overcast

Congratulations to Marco Arment on shipping the new Overcast. The new version is a complete rewrite and redesign that runs faster and uses Apple’s latest technologies.

By far, my favorite applications are the ones developed by solo or small teams that are obsessive about design and performance. Marco fits that mold with Overcast. Looking through the new app, you can see that he was intentional about every button and screen.